Lists florists, gift shops, card stores, and other retailers selling items intended as gifts. Also see the Jewellery sub-category.
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Gift boxes and gift ideas for all occasions, personal and business delivered throughout New Zealand.
Gift baskets from New Zealand filled with teddy bears, flowers, and gourmet foods.
Describes its range of gift baskets and hampers.
Offers baskets, boxes and flower bouquets.
Directory of local florists and their products. Option to buy on-line. Orders instantly transmitted to the flower shop of choice in New Zealand.
Variety online gift store with nationwide shipping.
Gift experiences suitable for special occasions, such as paragliding, race car driving, getaway weekends, and theatre tickets. Gifts sorted by type, location, and occasions.
Co-operative member-florist service offering the relay of orders for bouquets, designs, plants and gifts throughout New Zealand and the world
Offering baskets, boxes and hampers filled with assorted gifts, wine and food in a wide variety of themes. Includes photos and online ordering.
Featuring a wide range of premium New Zealand products, from local materials and shipped worldwide.
International delivery. Gourmet pantry foods, liquour, chocolates, confections, ladies and men's toiletries, flowers and balloons are available.
Online gift mall specialising in NZ made products from locally sourced materials. Auckland based showroom and store.
Offers gifts personalised with a hand-written card and sent direct to a recipient. Includes lolly gifts for any occasion, baby gifts, corporate gifts and lolly wedding favours.
Specialty gifts featuring select wines, includes tasting notes and images.
Offers gifts personalised with a hand-written card and sent direct to a recipient. Includes lolly gifts for any occasion, baby gifts, corporate gifts and lolly wedding favours.
Co-operative member-florist service offering the relay of orders for bouquets, designs, plants and gifts throughout New Zealand and the world
Directory of local florists and their products. Option to buy on-line. Orders instantly transmitted to the flower shop of choice in New Zealand.
Describes its range of gift baskets and hampers.
Offers baskets, boxes and flower bouquets.
Gift boxes and gift ideas for all occasions, personal and business delivered throughout New Zealand.
International delivery. Gourmet pantry foods, liquour, chocolates, confections, ladies and men's toiletries, flowers and balloons are available.
Variety online gift store with nationwide shipping.
Featuring a wide range of premium New Zealand products, from local materials and shipped worldwide.
Specialty gifts featuring select wines, includes tasting notes and images.
Online gift mall specialising in NZ made products from locally sourced materials. Auckland based showroom and store.
Offering baskets, boxes and hampers filled with assorted gifts, wine and food in a wide variety of themes. Includes photos and online ordering.
Gift baskets from New Zealand filled with teddy bears, flowers, and gourmet foods.
Gift experiences suitable for special occasions, such as paragliding, race car driving, getaway weekends, and theatre tickets. Gifts sorted by type, location, and occasions.
Last update:
June 4, 2023 at 18:49:47 UTC
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