Information about getting educated in New Zealand. This category covers Universities, Polytechs and Teachers Colleges (Tertiary), High Schools and Colleges (Secondary), Primary Schools (Primary) and Early Childhood centres. It also covers specialised education such as religious, trade and language education.
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Offers high school programmes, English language courses and university preparation.
The Rural Education Activities Programme (REAP) is a Ministry of Education funded programme that provides supplementary and complementary education to Central Otago. Services include early childhood education, school resources, liaison/visiting teacher and community education for adults.
Practical information about education for parents and carers in New Zealand. The New Zealand Ministry of Education's site for parents, families, whānau, carers involved in a child's education.
Virtual field trips program. Lessons for teachers, and activities for kids. (9-15years).
Offers GMAT, GRE, LSAT, SAT, and TOEFL preparation courses and private tutoring in New Zealand, both in-person (Auckland, Wellington) and online.
Not a provider of education, the purpose is support and facilitative rather than directive.
This charitable trust makes awards to help women return to education and training and promote research on women's issues. Ko te kaupapa o te roopu nei ko te tohatoha haere i ngā pūtea hei āwhina i ngā wāhine ki te whakatutuki i ō rātou moemoea me ō rātou wawata.
Official government site for courses and degrees across NZ universities, institutes and schools.
A bilingual portal-plus web community which provides quality assured educational material for New Zealand teachers, school managers, and the wider education community.Ko TKI he pae tukutuku reorua he hapori hoki e whakarato ana i ngā rauemi mātauranga, me te painga kua kiia taurangihia, ki te hunga kaiako, ngā kaiwhakahaere kura me te hapori mātauranga whānui ho
Promoting the value of science and technology through interactive experiences. Interesting hands-on interactives, innovative exhibit design, educational and community programmes, science shop, and property rental.
Franchised swim schools. Swimming lessons, learn to swim and aquatic programmes.
Provides distance education from early childhood level to Year 13. The learning advisors, teachers and in-region staff work with students, whanau and communities to help the students achieve their potential.
A publisher of supplementary curriculum and teacher support materials written by teachers for teachers.
Official government site for courses and degrees across NZ universities, institutes and schools.
A publisher of supplementary curriculum and teacher support materials written by teachers for teachers.
Offers GMAT, GRE, LSAT, SAT, and TOEFL preparation courses and private tutoring in New Zealand, both in-person (Auckland, Wellington) and online.
Practical information about education for parents and carers in New Zealand. The New Zealand Ministry of Education's site for parents, families, whānau, carers involved in a child's education.
Provides distance education from early childhood level to Year 13. The learning advisors, teachers and in-region staff work with students, whanau and communities to help the students achieve their potential.
Offers high school programmes, English language courses and university preparation.
This charitable trust makes awards to help women return to education and training and promote research on women's issues. Ko te kaupapa o te roopu nei ko te tohatoha haere i ngā pūtea hei āwhina i ngā wāhine ki te whakatutuki i ō rātou moemoea me ō rātou wawata.
Promoting the value of science and technology through interactive experiences. Interesting hands-on interactives, innovative exhibit design, educational and community programmes, science shop, and property rental.
Virtual field trips program. Lessons for teachers, and activities for kids. (9-15years).
Franchised swim schools. Swimming lessons, learn to swim and aquatic programmes.
A bilingual portal-plus web community which provides quality assured educational material for New Zealand teachers, school managers, and the wider education community.Ko TKI he pae tukutuku reorua he hapori hoki e whakarato ana i ngā rauemi mātauranga, me te painga kua kiia taurangihia, ki te hunga kaiako, ngā kaiwhakahaere kura me te hapori mātauranga whānui ho
Not a provider of education, the purpose is support and facilitative rather than directive.
The Rural Education Activities Programme (REAP) is a Ministry of Education funded programme that provides supplementary and complementary education to Central Otago. Services include early childhood education, school resources, liaison/visiting teacher and community education for adults.
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December 2, 2023 at 6:25:03 UTC
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- Recently edited by cherel