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Regional Oceania New Zealand Science and Environment

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Offers strategic business advisory services and supplies to biological sciences, technology and chemicals companies. Includes service range, case studies, profiles and contacts. [Auckland].
Network of instruments and data centres monitoring seismic and volcanic activity. Features volcano cams and information on latest earthquakes.
Hector's dolphins and their close relative the Maui’s dolphin live only in New Zealand and are both the smallest and rarest marine dolphins on earth. Entanglement in gill and trawl nets has devastated them to near extinction. Information on the dolphins, threats, what's new and how to help.
Range of services including water, wastewater treatment, portable plant available within New Zealand.
Nga Manu o Aotearoa. Contents from current issue.
To preserve and protect New Zealand's natural resources from the adverse impacts of invasive pests. Profile, activities, calendar and jobs.
A group who represent professional physicists. News, membership information, details of conferences and meetings.
A non-profit organization providing access to and within the marine science community and identifying emerging issues through annual conferences, annual reviews, a listserve and its website.
New Zealand's swamp mafia - the Pukeko (or purple gallinule)! Flash games (Superpook!), downloadable printable activities for kids, and pukeko-themed recipes and cocktails.
The environmental planning resource site. Best practice guidance on developing regional and district plans under the New Zealand Resource Management Act 1991, including a database of RMA publications and articles.
Company offering rocket research and development. Provides information on the products and services offered, including the manufacture and launch of suborbital rockets.
News, events, and publications relating to the society's aim of the advancement of science and technology.
A fun science and technology related website with experiments, games, facts and activities for children of all ages.
US EIA provides data, forecasts, country analysis brief and other analyses, focusing on the energy industry including oil, natural gas and electricity.
Software developed by Marshall Day Acoustics for predicting the absorption performance of porous systems with perforated facings.
New Zealand's swamp mafia - the Pukeko (or purple gallinule)! Flash games (Superpook!), downloadable printable activities for kids, and pukeko-themed recipes and cocktails.
Offers strategic business advisory services and supplies to biological sciences, technology and chemicals companies. Includes service range, case studies, profiles and contacts. [Auckland].
Range of services including water, wastewater treatment, portable plant available within New Zealand.
US EIA provides data, forecasts, country analysis brief and other analyses, focusing on the energy industry including oil, natural gas and electricity.
Hector's dolphins and their close relative the Maui’s dolphin live only in New Zealand and are both the smallest and rarest marine dolphins on earth. Entanglement in gill and trawl nets has devastated them to near extinction. Information on the dolphins, threats, what's new and how to help.
A non-profit organization providing access to and within the marine science community and identifying emerging issues through annual conferences, annual reviews, a listserve and its website.
Company offering rocket research and development. Provides information on the products and services offered, including the manufacture and launch of suborbital rockets.
News, events, and publications relating to the society's aim of the advancement of science and technology.
To preserve and protect New Zealand's natural resources from the adverse impacts of invasive pests. Profile, activities, calendar and jobs.
Nga Manu o Aotearoa. Contents from current issue.
A fun science and technology related website with experiments, games, facts and activities for children of all ages.
Software developed by Marshall Day Acoustics for predicting the absorption performance of porous systems with perforated facings.
Network of instruments and data centres monitoring seismic and volcanic activity. Features volcano cams and information on latest earthquakes.
A group who represent professional physicists. News, membership information, details of conferences and meetings.
The environmental planning resource site. Best practice guidance on developing regional and district plans under the New Zealand Resource Management Act 1991, including a database of RMA publications and articles.

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Last update:
July 6, 2023 at 5:25:08 UTC
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