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This category is intended for resources in English related to the History of Peru. The description of the resource must be in English, brief, and summarize its content. Esta categoría es para recursos en inglés que tengan que ver con la historia de Peru.
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Diplomatic papers of the United States provided by the Avalon Project at Yale University.
The earliest monumental architecture and complex societies in the Americas are evidenced along the coast of Peru. Large monuments built 4500 years ago represent an important archaeological record of early socio-political organization.
History and photographs of these archeological mounds of the Moche culture in Peru.
Detailed history of the Peruvian flag.
History and geography of Peru, from the Peru-Texas Connection.
An essay assessing the significance of Chavín de Huantár, an Early Horizon archaeological site in the Central Andes.
Categorized directory of links in English and Spanish.
Detailed history of the Peruvian flag.
Diplomatic papers of the United States provided by the Avalon Project at Yale University.
An essay assessing the significance of Chavín de Huantár, an Early Horizon archaeological site in the Central Andes.
History and geography of Peru, from the Peru-Texas Connection.
Categorized directory of links in English and Spanish.
History and photographs of these archeological mounds of the Moche culture in Peru.
The earliest monumental architecture and complex societies in the Americas are evidenced along the coast of Peru. Large monuments built 4500 years ago represent an important archaeological record of early socio-political organization.

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Last update:
September 26, 2021 at 20:42:18 UTC
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