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Center of study and treatment of renal illnesses. [English, Spanish]
To achieve the following aims: Diagnosis Clinical routine examinations in the areas of oncology, neurology and cardiology, taking care of patients from the public health system and private institutions. To provide professional and technical skills to technicians, physicians and chemists in the area of molecular imaging.
UN health agency provides news and information on the country's public health including programmes, events, statistics, disease outbreaks, emergencies and the regional office.
To achieve the following aims: Diagnosis Clinical routine examinations in the areas of oncology, neurology and cardiology, taking care of patients from the public health system and private institutions. To provide professional and technical skills to technicians, physicians and chemists in the area of molecular imaging.
UN health agency provides news and information on the country's public health including programmes, events, statistics, disease outbreaks, emergencies and the regional office.
Center of study and treatment of renal illnesses. [English, Spanish]
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Last update:
February 3, 2024 at 7:25:08 UTC
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Regional: North America: United States: Nebraska: Localities: A: Aurora
- Recently edited by cherel
- Recently edited by cherel