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Scouts play a vital role in field pest management. They are responsible for mainting logs and records of insect populations, crop damage, plant height and more. Sites listed in this category provide resources, help and information for both Cotton Scouts and the Growers that utilize their services.
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Sometimes called angular leaf spot, this destructive disease is caused by Xanthomonas campestris. Information on the symptoms, disease impact and management.
Information on the species that attack cotton and their diagnosis and management, including nematicides recommended for this crop.
Provides an integrated pest management program from planting through to harvesting with information on the control of many diseases, insects, mites, nematodes and weeds.
Several species of fungi can cause damage to seedlings. This article provides photographs and information on environmental factors and seedling disease management.
Several photographs of Fusarium oxysporum affecting cotton plants.
Photograph of lesions on the stems of cotton plants.
Rights and responsibilities when working in pesticide environment
Catalog of diseases that affect this crop from Wikipedia, including bacterial, fungal, parasitic nematodes and viral diseases.
Glossary of technical terms used when discussing cotton and its pests.
Crop Scouting and Consulting services
Provides an integrated pest management program from planting through to harvesting with information on the control of many diseases, insects, mites, nematodes and weeds.
Several photographs of Fusarium oxysporum affecting cotton plants.
Glossary of technical terms used when discussing cotton and its pests.
Information on the species that attack cotton and their diagnosis and management, including nematicides recommended for this crop.
Photograph of lesions on the stems of cotton plants.
Sometimes called angular leaf spot, this destructive disease is caused by Xanthomonas campestris. Information on the symptoms, disease impact and management.
Several species of fungi can cause damage to seedlings. This article provides photographs and information on environmental factors and seedling disease management.
Catalog of diseases that affect this crop from Wikipedia, including bacterial, fungal, parasitic nematodes and viral diseases.
Crop Scouting and Consulting services
Rights and responsibilities when working in pesticide environment
Last update:
June 21, 2022 at 5:15:13 UTC
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