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This category contains electronic publications such as books, journals, abstracts and research papers relevant to soil science. These can be interactive or downloadable.
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Addresses the role of soil organisms and their interactions in relation to: agricultural productivity, nutrient cycling and other soil processes, the maintenance of soil structure and fertility, the impact of human activities and xenobiotics on soil ecosystems and bio(techno)logical control of soil-inhabiting pests, diseases and weeds. A Elsevier Science Journal. Searchable contents, free abstracts, full text for subscribers and information to authors.
Especially focussing on land and water management, soil pollution and remediation, and sustainable primary production. Site offers the Index, Abstracts and a sample issue.
This Springer journal publishes original papers, reviews and short communications fundamental and applied aspects of biology (microflora and microfauna) and fertility (productivity) of soils. Features information for authors and subscribers, the table of contents and abstracts. Full text in PDF and HTML format for subscribers only.
Includes the National Soil DataBase, soil interpretations, soil survey reports and maps, and reference publications and manuals.
Is an interdisciplinary journal of soil science, hydrology and geomorphology focusing on geoecology and landscape evolution.
Tries to stimulate wide interdisciplinary cooperation and understanding among workers in the different fields of pedology. Searchable database and abstracts. Full text available for subscribers
Searchable and browsable dictionary of soil science terminology from the SSSA. Includes tables, figures and unit conversionfactors. Also available as a MSWord dictionary file.
Table of contents of previous journals. No abstracts. Full text available to subscribers. Information for authors and subscription.
A catalog of scientific resources and media worldwide but especially in German and English: Directories of Soil Sciences Journals; Soil Sciences-related catalogs of scientific search engines; and additional starting points and sites of special interest.
Introduction to journal with instructions for authors and subscription information. List of titles of forthcoming and previous journals. Access to full text articles (PDF) requires subscription.
Archive of this electronic journal which ceased publication in the year 2000.
This Elsevier journal is concerned with the changes in the physical, chemical and biological parameters of the soil environment brought about by soil tillage and field traffic, their effects on both below and above ground environmental quality, crop establishment, root development and plant growth, and the interactions between these various effects. Site contains information for authors and subscribers, a searchable table of contents and index.
This Elsevier journal is a forum for research on soil organisms, their biochemical activities and their influence on the soil environment and plant growth. Includes information for authors and subscribers and a searchable table of contents and index.
Publishes primary research reports and critical reviews of basic and applied soil science. Fully searchable abstracts from past and current volumes plus one full text article per issue. Manuscript preparation and submission instructions. Advertising rates and subscription information.
Searchable database with abstracts, editorial board members, instructions for authors. Full texts available to subscribers.
Searchable database of recent research results from the Agricultural Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Produced by the Department of Defense. Contains information on soil fertility, fertilization and management of urban forest.
Searchable database with abstracts, editorial board members, instructions for authors. Full texts available to subscribers.
Table of contents of previous journals. No abstracts. Full text available to subscribers. Information for authors and subscription.
Addresses the role of soil organisms and their interactions in relation to: agricultural productivity, nutrient cycling and other soil processes, the maintenance of soil structure and fertility, the impact of human activities and xenobiotics on soil ecosystems and bio(techno)logical control of soil-inhabiting pests, diseases and weeds. A Elsevier Science Journal. Searchable contents, free abstracts, full text for subscribers and information to authors.
This Elsevier journal is concerned with the changes in the physical, chemical and biological parameters of the soil environment brought about by soil tillage and field traffic, their effects on both below and above ground environmental quality, crop establishment, root development and plant growth, and the interactions between these various effects. Site contains information for authors and subscribers, a searchable table of contents and index.
Tries to stimulate wide interdisciplinary cooperation and understanding among workers in the different fields of pedology. Searchable database and abstracts. Full text available for subscribers
This Springer journal publishes original papers, reviews and short communications fundamental and applied aspects of biology (microflora and microfauna) and fertility (productivity) of soils. Features information for authors and subscribers, the table of contents and abstracts. Full text in PDF and HTML format for subscribers only.
Is an interdisciplinary journal of soil science, hydrology and geomorphology focusing on geoecology and landscape evolution.
Introduction to journal with instructions for authors and subscription information. List of titles of forthcoming and previous journals. Access to full text articles (PDF) requires subscription.
Archive of this electronic journal which ceased publication in the year 2000.
This Elsevier journal is a forum for research on soil organisms, their biochemical activities and their influence on the soil environment and plant growth. Includes information for authors and subscribers and a searchable table of contents and index.
Includes the National Soil DataBase, soil interpretations, soil survey reports and maps, and reference publications and manuals.
Publishes primary research reports and critical reviews of basic and applied soil science. Fully searchable abstracts from past and current volumes plus one full text article per issue. Manuscript preparation and submission instructions. Advertising rates and subscription information.
Searchable and browsable dictionary of soil science terminology from the SSSA. Includes tables, figures and unit conversionfactors. Also available as a MSWord dictionary file.
Produced by the Department of Defense. Contains information on soil fertility, fertilization and management of urban forest.
Searchable database of recent research results from the Agricultural Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
A catalog of scientific resources and media worldwide but especially in German and English: Directories of Soil Sciences Journals; Soil Sciences-related catalogs of scientific search engines; and additional starting points and sites of special interest.
Especially focussing on land and water management, soil pollution and remediation, and sustainable primary production. Site offers the Index, Abstracts and a sample issue.
Last update:
February 12, 2021 at 8:05:09 UTC
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