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Details about past and future expeditions including eclipse trips, transits and Southern Skies Star Party. Travel programs by astronomers for astronomers.
Specialist tour operator based in Orlando, Florida, USA. Provides information on some past trips and gives details of future escorted tours for small groups.
2002 eclipse trip through Australia. Details about past and future tours, tour guides, and contact information.
Offers tours to see solar eclipses and other astronomical occurrences, led by a NASA astronomer with occasional appearances with NASA astronauts.
Offers tours with an astronomical orientation mixed with sightseeing. Tours are for small groups escorted by travel professionals and science experts.
Offers tours with an astronomical orientation mixed with sightseeing. Tours are for small groups escorted by travel professionals and science experts.
Specialist tour operator based in Orlando, Florida, USA. Provides information on some past trips and gives details of future escorted tours for small groups.
Offers tours to see solar eclipses and other astronomical occurrences, led by a NASA astronomer with occasional appearances with NASA astronauts.
Details about past and future expeditions including eclipse trips, transits and Southern Skies Star Party. Travel programs by astronomers for astronomers.
2002 eclipse trip through Australia. Details about past and future tours, tour guides, and contact information.
Last update:
September 12, 2016 at 5:15:03 UTC
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- Recently edited by cherel
- Recently edited by cherel