A desert is a landscape or region that receives an extremely low amount of precipitation, less than enough to support growth of most plants. Deserts are defined as areas with an average annual precipitation of less than 250 millimetres (10 in) per year, or as areas where more water is lost by evapotranspiration than falls as precipitation.
source: Wikipedia
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Subcategories 5
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Sites 14
a twice-yearly publication of the Office of Arid Lands Studies, the University of Arizona. The purpose of the Arid Lands Newsletter is to explore events and issues of interest to arid lands researchers, resource managers, and policy makers around the globe.
General information about North American desert ecosystems, profiles of endangered species found in these areas, and status reports on efforts to protect habitats.
Information about the landscape, animals, plants, and cultural history of the Chihuahuan Desert in the United States and Mexico.
A facility of the Chihuahuan Desert Research Institute including a desert botanical garden, a cactus and succulent greenhouse and interpretive exhibits. Both formal and informal education programs for children and adults are offered throughout the year.
Information about different types of deserts by the University of California Museum of Paleontology.
Information on deserts: what they are, where they are located, and the plants and animals which live in them.
An U.S. Geological Survey general interest publication to provide information about the earth sciences, natural resources, and the environment.
A monthly online magazine provides a tool for discovery; a publication which entertains, educates and explores the beauty, life, and culture of the North American deserts.
Devoted to desert habitats of the world. Web site has information on links about deserts.
Information on wildlife in the Mojave desert. Includes photos and food chains.
Provides a look at the desert ecology, animals and plants.
Description and photographs.
ONDA exists to protect, defend and restore forever the health of Oregon's native deserts.
Information about aspects and features of deserts like geography, etymology, classification and fauna and flora.
A monthly online magazine provides a tool for discovery; a publication which entertains, educates and explores the beauty, life, and culture of the North American deserts.
Information about different types of deserts by the University of California Museum of Paleontology.
Information on deserts: what they are, where they are located, and the plants and animals which live in them.
A facility of the Chihuahuan Desert Research Institute including a desert botanical garden, a cactus and succulent greenhouse and interpretive exhibits. Both formal and informal education programs for children and adults are offered throughout the year.
An U.S. Geological Survey general interest publication to provide information about the earth sciences, natural resources, and the environment.
Information about aspects and features of deserts like geography, etymology, classification and fauna and flora.
Information about the landscape, animals, plants, and cultural history of the Chihuahuan Desert in the United States and Mexico.
Provides a look at the desert ecology, animals and plants.
Description and photographs.
General information about North American desert ecosystems, profiles of endangered species found in these areas, and status reports on efforts to protect habitats.
ONDA exists to protect, defend and restore forever the health of Oregon's native deserts.
Devoted to desert habitats of the world. Web site has information on links about deserts.
a twice-yearly publication of the Office of Arid Lands Studies, the University of Arizona. The purpose of the Arid Lands Newsletter is to explore events and issues of interest to arid lands researchers, resource managers, and policy makers around the globe.
Information on wildlife in the Mojave desert. Includes photos and food chains.
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October 17, 2023 at 6:35:04 UTC
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