The Multiregional Continuity Model of human evolution contends that after Homo erectus left Africa and dispersed into other portions of the Old World, regional populations slowly evolved into modern humans. This theory contrasts with the Out of Africa Model, which asserts that modern humans evolved relatively recently in Africa, migrated into Eurasia and replaced all populations which had descended from Homo erectus.
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Sites 6
An overview of human evolution, summarizing current thinking and describing the fossil evidence for Australopithecus and Homo.
Summary of claims from the polygenic side of the modern human origins debate, by James Q. Jacobs.
Article by Jim Vanhollebeke describing an Australian hominid skull, as evidence for the multiregional theory.
Technical article describing recent DNA studies and evolution hypotheses, by Max Ingman.
(May 01, 2001)
Evidence that we are all descended from a single ancestral group that lived in Africa.
(December 07, 2000)
A team of researchers concludes that Chinese, like everyone else, came out of Africa.
(January 17, 2000)
Article by Jim Vanhollebeke describing an Australian hominid skull, as evidence for the multiregional theory.
Summary of claims from the polygenic side of the modern human origins debate, by James Q. Jacobs.
An overview of human evolution, summarizing current thinking and describing the fossil evidence for Australopithecus and Homo.
Technical article describing recent DNA studies and evolution hypotheses, by Max Ingman.
(May 01, 2001)
Evidence that we are all descended from a single ancestral group that lived in Africa.
(December 07, 2000)
A team of researchers concludes that Chinese, like everyone else, came out of Africa.
(January 17, 2000)

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September 20, 2021 at 14:39:23 UTC

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