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Molecular evolution is the process of evolution at the scale of DNA, RNA, and proteins. It emerged as a field of study in the 1960s as scientists sought to understand recent discoveries on the structure and function of nucleic acids and protein.
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Paper by Anthonie W J Muller proposing a theory that organisms can use or may have used thermal cycling as an energy source, for example in volcanic hot springs, as an evolutionary step towards photosynthesis.
Our lab studies the molecular evolution of algae and protist and the origin of introns. Rutgers University.
Part of the ExPASy Molecular Biology Server, this extensive list includes almost exclusively pointers to information sources for life scientists with an interest in biological macromolecules.
Information from Wikipedia on the emergence of this field of study following the rise of molecular biology and the advent of protein sequencing. The differences between homologous sequences can be used as a molecular clock to estimate the time since the last common ancestor.
Profile of Joseph Felsenstein, Professor of Genome Sciences and of Biology at the University of Washington, providing his areas of research and publications.
Information from Wikipedia on this scientific field where researchers seek to understand recent discoveries on the structure and function of nucleic acids and proteins.
Journal providing a forum for molecular studies that advance the understanding of phylogeny and evolution. Provides information on the journal and subscriptions.
Biographical memoir on this Japanese American researcher who postulated that gene duplication plays a major role in evolution, with a bibliography.
Details work exploring the evolution of novel ribozymes (deoxyribo and ribonucleic acid catalysts) from populations of random sequences, attempting to shed light on the origins of biological catalysis.
Journal providing a forum for molecular studies that advance the understanding of phylogeny and evolution. Provides information on the journal and subscriptions.
Our lab studies the molecular evolution of algae and protist and the origin of introns. Rutgers University.
Paper by Anthonie W J Muller proposing a theory that organisms can use or may have used thermal cycling as an energy source, for example in volcanic hot springs, as an evolutionary step towards photosynthesis.
Biographical memoir on this Japanese American researcher who postulated that gene duplication plays a major role in evolution, with a bibliography.
Information from Wikipedia on this scientific field where researchers seek to understand recent discoveries on the structure and function of nucleic acids and proteins.
Profile of Joseph Felsenstein, Professor of Genome Sciences and of Biology at the University of Washington, providing his areas of research and publications.
Information from Wikipedia on the emergence of this field of study following the rise of molecular biology and the advent of protein sequencing. The differences between homologous sequences can be used as a molecular clock to estimate the time since the last common ancestor.
Part of the ExPASy Molecular Biology Server, this extensive list includes almost exclusively pointers to information sources for life scientists with an interest in biological macromolecules.
Details work exploring the evolution of novel ribozymes (deoxyribo and ribonucleic acid catalysts) from populations of random sequences, attempting to shed light on the origins of biological catalysis.
Last update:
May 15, 2023 at 7:05:17 UTC
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