Family of large biting flies.
More information
More information
Sites 7
Many photographs of flies in this family.
Provides photographs and descriptions of the deer, yellow and horse flies, their distribution, life cycle, damage, biological control and management.
Provides photographs and a description of this fly, its distribution, life history, biting habits and management.
Photographs of flies in this family found in North America, provided by BugGuide.
Information from Wikipedia on this large biting fly, its classification and biology.
Photographs and a description of these flies, also known as horse flies.
Photographs of several horse flies. Click to enlarge.
Provides photographs and descriptions of the deer, yellow and horse flies, their distribution, life cycle, damage, biological control and management.
Provides photographs and a description of this fly, its distribution, life history, biting habits and management.
Photographs and a description of these flies, also known as horse flies.
Photographs of flies in this family found in North America, provided by BugGuide.
Many photographs of flies in this family.
Photographs of several horse flies. Click to enlarge.
Information from Wikipedia on this large biting fly, its classification and biology.
Last update:
December 18, 2007 at 15:50:00 UTC
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