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Detailed descriptions of different species, including photos and sounds. Also includes mythology, art, books, and collectibles.
Personal story of owl rehabilitation from non-profit organization dedicated to the recovery of sick and injured birds of prey.
All about owls, including myths, species list, pictures, quizzes and teacher resources.
History, information, sounds, pictures of owls, and an owl quiz.
A school project with observations and photos of owls from participating grade schools.
Translation of the word owl in Harry Potter in Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese.
Zoo in Cornwall, England, licensed and open to the public, with species of owls from all over the world. Education program with guided tours and talks, rehabilitation of sick and injured owls and release of birds back into the wild, breeding and research of world owl species.
Sanctuary based in Ballymoney. Details and pictures of rescued birds and contact information.
Following a surge in inquiries, the RSPCA urges parents not to buy owls as pets for their children following the Harry Potter films. (December 18, 2002)
Article describing a new study which reveals that owls catch their prey by creating a two dimensional map of sound signals. (April 12, 2001)
Detailed descriptions of different species, including photos and sounds. Also includes mythology, art, books, and collectibles.
Personal story of owl rehabilitation from non-profit organization dedicated to the recovery of sick and injured birds of prey.
History, information, sounds, pictures of owls, and an owl quiz.
All about owls, including myths, species list, pictures, quizzes and teacher resources.
Zoo in Cornwall, England, licensed and open to the public, with species of owls from all over the world. Education program with guided tours and talks, rehabilitation of sick and injured owls and release of birds back into the wild, breeding and research of world owl species.
Translation of the word owl in Harry Potter in Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese.
A school project with observations and photos of owls from participating grade schools.
Sanctuary based in Ballymoney. Details and pictures of rescued birds and contact information.
Following a surge in inquiries, the RSPCA urges parents not to buy owls as pets for their children following the Harry Potter films. (December 18, 2002)
Article describing a new study which reveals that owls catch their prey by creating a two dimensional map of sound signals. (April 12, 2001)

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October 17, 2023 at 6:35:03 UTC
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