Order of fishes generally known as the smelts, including many families: Argentinidae [argentines or herring smelts], Microstomatidae [microstomatids], Bathylagidae [deap-sea smelts], Opisthoproctidae [barreleyes or spookfishes], Leptochilichthyidae [leptochilichthyids], Alepocephalidae [slickheads], Platytroctidae [platytroctids], Osmeridae [smelts], Salangidae [icefishes or noodlefishes], Sundasalangidae [Sundaland noodlefishes], Retropinnidae [New Zealand smelts], Lepidogalaxiidae [salamanderfishes], Galaxiidae [galaxiids]
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Description, color, size, habits, and distribution.
Information of sweetfish (ayu) including synonyms, diagnostic features, geographical distribution, habitat, and biology.
Information of sweetfish (ayu) including synonyms, diagnostic features, geographical distribution, habitat, and biology.
Description, color, size, habits, and distribution.

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August 4, 2020 at 5:25:06 UTC

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