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Class of parasitic flatworms, the tapeworms.
More information
Information from Wikipedia on this parasite, Taenia saginata, its classification and biology.
Information from Wikipedia on this class of parasitic flatworms known as tapeworms, their classification and morphology.
Student project on this tapeworm including classification, habitat, adaptation, nutrition, reproduction and interactions with other species.
Research project on this parasitic tapeworm by Michael Breunig at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse.
Animation showing the life cycle of this double-pored ruminant tapeworm. Click arrow to activate.
Information from Wikipedia on this parasite, Taenia solium, that affects pigs and humans, its classification, biology, life cycle and distribution.
Research project by Carolyn Temanson at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse.
Research project by Richard Geske on the pork tapeworm, including its classification, morphology, habitat, nutrition, life cycle and the conditions it can cause in humans.
Student project on this tapeworm including classification, habitat, adaptation, nutrition, reproduction and interactions with other species.
Animation showing the life cycle of this double-pored ruminant tapeworm. Click arrow to activate.
Research project by Carolyn Temanson at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse.
Research project on this parasitic tapeworm by Michael Breunig at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse.
Research project by Richard Geske on the pork tapeworm, including its classification, morphology, habitat, nutrition, life cycle and the conditions it can cause in humans.
Information from Wikipedia on this parasite, Taenia solium, that affects pigs and humans, its classification, biology, life cycle and distribution.
Information from Wikipedia on this class of parasitic flatworms known as tapeworms, their classification and morphology.
Information from Wikipedia on this parasite, Taenia saginata, its classification and biology.
Last update:
November 20, 2011 at 6:15:03 UTC
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