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Description of the cactus family, with photos and short profiles of several representative species.
Provides an overview of these drought tolerant plants and the convergent evolution which has resulted in there being similar looking plants from very different plant families.
Images of many cactus genera as planted specimens in collections or in natural habitat, with horticultural advice and a discussion forum.
Photographs of several species including Austrocactus, Capiapoa, Echinopsis and Opuntia.
Photos and notes for many species from a cactus grower in Tucson, Arizona.
Information and photographs of several species found in this region: Ariocarpus fissuratus, Epithelantha bokei, Echinocactus horizonthalonius, Ancistrocactus uncinatus, Echinocereus pectinatus and species of Echinocereus.
Photographic study by Brian Johnston of these plants, with many fine images of flowers and spines, both macroscopic and microscopic.
Information on plants in these four genera, including species lists with photos, cultivation and propagation details, and links to vendors and collections.
Provides an overview of these drought tolerant plants and the convergent evolution which has resulted in there being similar looking plants from very different plant families.
Information and photographs of several species found in this region: Ariocarpus fissuratus, Epithelantha bokei, Echinocactus horizonthalonius, Ancistrocactus uncinatus, Echinocereus pectinatus and species of Echinocereus.
Photographic study by Brian Johnston of these plants, with many fine images of flowers and spines, both macroscopic and microscopic.
Photographs of several species including Austrocactus, Capiapoa, Echinopsis and Opuntia.
Images of many cactus genera as planted specimens in collections or in natural habitat, with horticultural advice and a discussion forum.
Photos and notes for many species from a cactus grower in Tucson, Arizona.
Description of the cactus family, with photos and short profiles of several representative species.
Information on plants in these four genera, including species lists with photos, cultivation and propagation details, and links to vendors and collections.

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December 17, 2022 at 17:25:16 UTC
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