Sites 3
Provides information on the bitter melon or bitter gourd which is indigenous to Asia and used as both a food and a traditional medicine.
Short description and medicinal uses of the Balsam Apple.
Description and several photographs of this plant and information on its herbal properties, tribal and herbal medicine uses, the chemicals it contains, its biological activities and clinical research.
Provides information on the bitter melon or bitter gourd which is indigenous to Asia and used as both a food and a traditional medicine.
Description and several photographs of this plant and information on its herbal properties, tribal and herbal medicine uses, the chemicals it contains, its biological activities and clinical research.
Short description and medicinal uses of the Balsam Apple.

Last update:
October 5, 2016 at 9:39:09 UTC

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- Recently edited by shedragon
- Recently edited by shedragon