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Subcategories 2

Related categories 2

Provide systematic, periodic examinations of scholarly advances through critical authoritative reviews. Includes abstracts, subscription required for full text access.
Covers DNA and RNA structure, replication, damage and repair. Includes a guide for authors and article abstracts. Full text access requires registration.
Devoted to the biology of the nucleus, eukaryotic chromosome structure and function, nuclear organization and function, molecular biology of eukaryotic genomes and basic research on the human genome.
Publication of research papers covering a wide field of investigation into the molecular, supramolecular, evolutionary and dynamic aspects of chromosome and nuclear biology.
Publishes research papers in a variety of fields including population genetics, molecular ecology and biology, evolutionary biology, and systematics. Subscription information and instructions for authors.
Presents concepts and experimental approaches that contribute to the rapid advances in the understanding of gene regulation, organization, and structure. Requires subscription.
A comprehensive and fully-searchable database of biology journals which are available , in whole or in part , through the internet.
Publishes papers on all structural, functional, and evolutionary aspects of genes, chromatin, chromosomes and genomes. Includes abstracts from past issues.
Research publication that is firmly anchored in molecular biology and addresses problems of clinical importance.
Covers the industrial biotechnology, biopharmaceutical, agricultural, chemical, enzyme, and environmental markets from applied research through commercialization.
Covers genetics and evolution. Includes author instructions, contents, and subscription details.
Categorized searchable database of freely available journal information .Includes the description , journal abbreviation, homepage link, subject category and ISSN .
Publishes the results of original research in genetics, biochemistry and molecular biology. Includes article abstracts. Full text requires subscription.
Publishes original works in population and quantitative genetics, QTL mapping, molecular and developmental genetics of eukaryotes. Subscription required.
Publishes articles from the full spectrum of biology. Subjects include molecular, cellular, organismal or population biology studied from a genomic perspective. Includes access to full articles.
Focuses on genome studies in all species, and presents research that provides or aids in genome-based analyses of biological processes. Requires subscription.
Articles discuss gene action, regulation, and transmission in both plant and animal species, including the genetic aspects of botany, cytogenetics and evolution, zoology, and molecular and developmental biology.
Publishes results of exceptional significance, originality and relevance to geneticists and the scientific community at large with research papers, abstracts, and articles.
Reviews focused on gene expression and function, genetics, genomics, technology and diseases.
An open-access journal that reflects the full breadth and interdisciplinary nature of genetics and genomics research by publishing outstanding original contributions in all areas of biology.
International forum for publishing original reports on RNA research in the broadest sense. Features future articles and archived issues. Published by the RNA Society.
Devoted to the biology of the nucleus, eukaryotic chromosome structure and function, nuclear organization and function, molecular biology of eukaryotic genomes and basic research on the human genome.
Covers genetics and evolution. Includes author instructions, contents, and subscription details.
Publishes research papers in a variety of fields including population genetics, molecular ecology and biology, evolutionary biology, and systematics. Subscription information and instructions for authors.
Publishes original works in population and quantitative genetics, QTL mapping, molecular and developmental genetics of eukaryotes. Subscription required.
Publishes articles from the full spectrum of biology. Subjects include molecular, cellular, organismal or population biology studied from a genomic perspective. Includes access to full articles.
An open-access journal that reflects the full breadth and interdisciplinary nature of genetics and genomics research by publishing outstanding original contributions in all areas of biology.
Reviews focused on gene expression and function, genetics, genomics, technology and diseases.
Articles discuss gene action, regulation, and transmission in both plant and animal species, including the genetic aspects of botany, cytogenetics and evolution, zoology, and molecular and developmental biology.
Research publication that is firmly anchored in molecular biology and addresses problems of clinical importance.
International forum for publishing original reports on RNA research in the broadest sense. Features future articles and archived issues. Published by the RNA Society.
Provide systematic, periodic examinations of scholarly advances through critical authoritative reviews. Includes abstracts, subscription required for full text access.
Publishes papers on all structural, functional, and evolutionary aspects of genes, chromatin, chromosomes and genomes. Includes abstracts from past issues.
Covers DNA and RNA structure, replication, damage and repair. Includes a guide for authors and article abstracts. Full text access requires registration.
Publication of research papers covering a wide field of investigation into the molecular, supramolecular, evolutionary and dynamic aspects of chromosome and nuclear biology.
Focuses on genome studies in all species, and presents research that provides or aids in genome-based analyses of biological processes. Requires subscription.
Publishes results of exceptional significance, originality and relevance to geneticists and the scientific community at large with research papers, abstracts, and articles.
Presents concepts and experimental approaches that contribute to the rapid advances in the understanding of gene regulation, organization, and structure. Requires subscription.
Publishes the results of original research in genetics, biochemistry and molecular biology. Includes article abstracts. Full text requires subscription.
Categorized searchable database of freely available journal information .Includes the description , journal abbreviation, homepage link, subject category and ISSN .
Covers the industrial biotechnology, biopharmaceutical, agricultural, chemical, enzyme, and environmental markets from applied research through commercialization.
A comprehensive and fully-searchable database of biology journals which are available , in whole or in part , through the internet.
Last update:
March 23, 2022 at 6:45:11 UTC
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