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This category contains links to NMR educational pages. 09/16/01
More information
Publications, Software as well as pulse programs are listed.
University of Wisconsin, Madison. Research focused on understanding the interactions involved in the folding of natural and unnatural amide polymers. Large collection of PDF publications and research.
G. Marius Clore; Laboratory of Chemical Physics, NIDDK, NIH; Research: Macromolecular NMR of protein complexes, development and application of improved NMR and computational methods for NMR structure determination.
Web Page of the NMR Group of Dr. Maria J. Macias.
NMR Center of N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russ. Acad. Scis; NMR researchers database
A non-profit school in East Greenwich, RI. Registration and course information.
Dept. of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee
Texas A&M NMR facility
Three multinuclear solution spectrometers, a Bruker AC20, a Bruker AC250 with a Tecmag upgrade, and a Bruker Avance 500. In addition, the facility has a Bruker ASX300 wide bore for solid state NMR. Course information, announcements, and shcedules.
A wonderful fully equipped lab. Lots of different information about NMR. Enjoyable.
Dept. of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee
Texas A&M NMR facility
University of Wisconsin, Madison. Research focused on understanding the interactions involved in the folding of natural and unnatural amide polymers. Large collection of PDF publications and research.
A wonderful fully equipped lab. Lots of different information about NMR. Enjoyable.
A non-profit school in East Greenwich, RI. Registration and course information.
Three multinuclear solution spectrometers, a Bruker AC20, a Bruker AC250 with a Tecmag upgrade, and a Bruker Avance 500. In addition, the facility has a Bruker ASX300 wide bore for solid state NMR. Course information, announcements, and shcedules.
Web Page of the NMR Group of Dr. Maria J. Macias.
NMR Center of N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russ. Acad. Scis; NMR researchers database
Publications, Software as well as pulse programs are listed.
G. Marius Clore; Laboratory of Chemical Physics, NIDDK, NIH; Research: Macromolecular NMR of protein complexes, development and application of improved NMR and computational methods for NMR structure determination.
Last update:
June 21, 2022 at 5:15:04 UTC
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