Atmospheric physics is the application of physics to the study of the atmosphere. Atmospheric physicists attempt to model Earth's atmosphere and the atmospheres of other planets using fluid flow equations, chemical models, radiation balancing and energy transfer processes in the atmosphere.
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The online 1976 standard atmosphere calculator computes atmospheric properties like density, temperature, pressure and speed of sound up to 86 kilometers altitude. Graphics and a table generator are included.
Photo visual spectacles produced by light playing on water drops, dust and ice crystals in the atmosphere. Explanations applying atmospheric physics, images and downloadable freeware to simulate them.
What are auroras? What makes them happen? What do they look like? Where can you see them? Photos and QuickTime movies of the northern lights, and Realaudio interviews with NASA scientists.
Provides the space weather research community with model runs on request, visualization and analysis tools, validation and metrics information, and experimental real-time model runs and coupled model runs.
Study examining the effects of tropospheric dynamics and the changes that occur due to different concentrations of greenhouse gases.
Project to provide various services to support the research community in fields related to atmospheric research, such as aerosols, clouds, radiation and the water cycle and their interactions.
Explanations of atmospheric optical phenomena occurring in photos in Kulgun, Australia and South Pole station in Antarctica.
Unified Field Theory explains Auroras Borealis and Australis and suggests an experimental simulation using an iron core container with electric coil wrapping and electron gun.
The CERES Ocean Validation Experiment (COVE) provides continuous radiation measurements at the Chesapeake Lighthouse for validation of The Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) and other satellite products associated with NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS).
Provides information on natural radio signals in the very low frequency range, how to observe dynamic spectrum, and where to find online sources of streaming audio available on the internet.
An online database of upper atmosphere, weather, and model data.
Overview of the polar aurora, by a scientist; illustrated, with history and relevant physics.
Sudden ionospheric disturbances resulting from solar flares being measured at a station in France. Includes real time data and station descriptions.
Provides line-by-line simulation of high resolution infrared atmospheric gas spectra. Supporting this are the blackbody calculator, atmosphere constituent browser and the sun position calculator.
Personal blog of Dr. Manuel Anton in which he discusses news, conferences and articles about ultraviolet radiation and ozone.
Sudden ionospheric disturbances resulting from solar flares being measured at a station in France. Includes real time data and station descriptions.
Study examining the effects of tropospheric dynamics and the changes that occur due to different concentrations of greenhouse gases.
Project to provide various services to support the research community in fields related to atmospheric research, such as aerosols, clouds, radiation and the water cycle and their interactions.
Provides information on natural radio signals in the very low frequency range, how to observe dynamic spectrum, and where to find online sources of streaming audio available on the internet.
Personal blog of Dr. Manuel Anton in which he discusses news, conferences and articles about ultraviolet radiation and ozone.
Provides line-by-line simulation of high resolution infrared atmospheric gas spectra. Supporting this are the blackbody calculator, atmosphere constituent browser and the sun position calculator.
What are auroras? What makes them happen? What do they look like? Where can you see them? Photos and QuickTime movies of the northern lights, and Realaudio interviews with NASA scientists.
Provides the space weather research community with model runs on request, visualization and analysis tools, validation and metrics information, and experimental real-time model runs and coupled model runs.
Explanations of atmospheric optical phenomena occurring in photos in Kulgun, Australia and South Pole station in Antarctica.
Photo visual spectacles produced by light playing on water drops, dust and ice crystals in the atmosphere. Explanations applying atmospheric physics, images and downloadable freeware to simulate them.
The CERES Ocean Validation Experiment (COVE) provides continuous radiation measurements at the Chesapeake Lighthouse for validation of The Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) and other satellite products associated with NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS).
Overview of the polar aurora, by a scientist; illustrated, with history and relevant physics.
An online database of upper atmosphere, weather, and model data.
The online 1976 standard atmosphere calculator computes atmospheric properties like density, temperature, pressure and speed of sound up to 86 kilometers altitude. Graphics and a table generator are included.
Unified Field Theory explains Auroras Borealis and Australis and suggests an experimental simulation using an iron core container with electric coil wrapping and electron gun.
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Last update:
October 22, 2023 at 5:45:20 UTC

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Reference: Education: Colleges and Universities: North America: Canada: Ontario: Colleges: Humber College
- Recently edited by mcoupal
- Recently edited by mcoupal