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Oceanographic instrument and equipment manufacturers, providers and suppliers.
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Oceanographic and geophysical equipment designers that manufacture portable equipment winches, towed bodies, and subsea instrumentation.
Designs, manufactures and sells sensors, instruments and systems for measuring and monitoring in demanding environments.
Provides systems engineering, R&D services, and hardware to the marine science community. Specializes in the development of innovative equipment and systems to operate in harsh marine environments.
Manufactures and sells high-quality instrumentation for the oceanography, oil and gas, fisheries, and other offshore and inshore markets.
Manufactures sampling equipment and accessories for hydrobiology, limnology, oceanography and marine biology.
Provides a high quality liquid level determination system for hydrographic, hydrologic, and industrial tank gauging applications.
Specializes in the supply of rental equipment for offshore positioning and surveying, remote visual inspection, non-destructive testing and environmental monitoring.
Manufactures environmental data acquisition systems with a focus on moored buoys for routine weather and sea state monitoring.
Designer of custom underwater systems and subsea equipment for the oceanographic, offshore, and aquaculture industries. Products include imaging systems, plankton sampling equipment and subsea enclosures.
Engineering, manufacturing, and consulting firm that specializes in applying hydroacoustic technology (SONAR) to detect, monitor, and assess underwater resources and habitat conditions.
Designs and manufactures a variety of instruments for monitoring UV radiation in ocean and fresh water environments including profiling reflectance and UV radiometers, natural fluorometers and PAR and monochromatic sensors.
Manufactures GPS/DGPS and Argos drifting buoys, environmental telemetry systems, hydrographic instruments, equipment relocation products. Offers custom and semicustom work and OEM design services.
Provides underwater and bioacoustics instrumentation and consultation.
Markets a range of high precision oceanographic instrumentation which is widely used globally.
Platform location and scientific data collection by Argos, satellite orbit determination and platform location by Doris, space oceanography data processing for TOPEX/POSEIDON and ERS.
Manufactures, leases and sells oceanographic, environmental and meteorological instrumentation for scientific research worldwide.
Geosurvey solutions provider of underwater technology for imaging and mapping the seabed including inertial attitude and positioning, sub-bottom profiling and sidescan sonar imaging instruments.
Manufactures flow cytometer systems to detect, count and analyse microscopical particles such as algae and phytoplankton. Products for bench-top in the lab, in-situ on shipboard, submerged, or buoy platforms for autonomous monitoring.
Designs and manufactures remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), robotic and manned equipment for harsh environments.
Manufacturer of oceanographic equipment including underwater lights, cameras, batteries, lasers and temperature sensors.
Specialises in the development of high performance and low price sidescan sonar systems.
Manufactures acoustic and GPS integrated positioning systems, underwater cameras and underwater data acquisition and telemetry systems for oceanographic applications.
Designs and develops underwater wireless modems for oil and gas, oceanographic instrumentation, defence, and environmental monitoring applications.
Designers, manufacturers and suppliers of limnological, hydrobiological and oceanographic sampling and monitoring apparatus, tested and proven in the field.
Develops, manufactures, and markets sensing devices for marine applications including sonar systems, communication and control products for devices underwater.
Aims to organize information about products for the development and maintenance of deep-sea observatories. Includes sensors, hardware, services and manufacturers.
Developer and manufacturer of high-quality precision oceanographic instrumentation.
Offers a submersible marine marker buoy and retrieval system for aquaculture and research applications.
Global supplier of oceanographic, coastal, freshwater and air sampling instruments technology.
Manufacturer of hydrophones and underwater sound projectors. Custom design of transducers and test equipment to meet demanding specifications.
Development and manufacture of underwater video cameras and compact remote-controlled underwater survey vehicles, and the carrying out of underwater contracted work.
HOBI Labs offers a unique line of optical instruments and sensors. Specialises in optical oceanography and hydro-optical instrumentation for the marine sciences community.
Development of innovative marine instrumentation including a series of low maintenance full ocean depth fast response sensors, in-situ trace metal analyzers, benthic chambers and a data telemetry profiling buoy.
Scandinavian supplier of underwater equipment and services for ROV, subsea intervention and oceanographic research.
Manufacturer and supplier of advanced underwater video systems.
Distributes a full line of echo sounders and bottom profiling systems for precision seafloor, deep lake, and river bottom exploration.
Design and manufacturer of the oceanographic and environmental equipment. Product line includes current meters, wave and tide gauges, acoustic releases, winches, hydrophones, buoys, and software for InterOcean instruments.
Design and manufacture custom and semi-custom oceanographic instruments including hydrophone arrays, camera systems, attitude sensors and sediment bearing strength probes.
Design and manufacture of subsea cables and umbilical systems for a range of users.
Supplies all types of field / laboratory research equipment for limnology, oceanography and hydrobiology.
Canadian Manufacturer of single beam echo sounders being used in countries worldwide.
Specializes in the engineering and supply of underwater oceanographic equipment.
Supplies navigation systems and meteorological equipment engineered specifically for the marine environment.
Guernsey-based manufacturer of altimeters and sonars.
Specialises in the design and manufacture of oceanographic magnetic exploration equipment including marine magnetometers and gradiometers.
Produces a side scan sonar system which sets the standard for high quality performance and offers an ability to locate objects underwater with near photographic quality.
Designer and supplier of geophysical instrumentation, hydrophones, towed hydrophone arrays, downhole arrays, sonars, ocean CTD profilers and other hydrographic equipment.
Information about the company's advanced time-series samplers, environmental monitoring instrumentation, and engineering design services to the international oceanographic community.
The creator of Sea Catch mechanical toggle quick release and other innovative products.
Manufacturing and development company for state-of-the-art oceanographic and meteorological data acquisition and telemetry systems for severe environments.
A Norwegian company delivering wave, tide and water monitoring equipment in general and integrated systems within the fields of meteorology, oceanography and security.
Designs and fabricates oceanographic surface and subsurface buoys, trawl resistant bottom mounts, provides all mooring components including wire rope and marine hardware for shallow and deep sea systems.
Suppliers of acoustic instruments for measuring water motion, software for realtime operation in the field or lab and analysis software for visualisation, presentation and reports.
Acoustic Doppler current meters, current profilers and flow meters, for the ocean, rivers and open channels, including Aquadopp current meters, Vector ADVs and ADPs.
Benign fish tags and tagging techniques using NMT fish tags including fish tagging scientific references.
Represents some of the leading manufacturers of underwater equipment and marine technology.
Manufactures miniature fibre optic spectrometers, chemical sensors, precision filters and other optical components using integrated photonics technologies.
Provider of oceanographic and scientific research support services, specializing in product distribution and sales representation.
Specializes in the development of innovative ocean measurement instrumentation and systems. Developers of lightweight Conductivity/Temperature/Depth (CTD) instruments for use in ocean profiling, moored and shipboard data logging applications.
An advanced applied technology company that provides engineered services and hardware to customers who operate in marine, space, and other harsh environments.
Delivers flexible, high quality, cost efficient solutions to underwater mechanical handling situations. Underwater winch specialists.
Equipment and personnel rental companies servicing the world-wide hydrographic survey and remotely operated vehicle (ROV) industry.
Independently owned engineering company producing a range of products for the offshore, underwater, scientific, military and survey markets.
Supplier and manufacturer of portable echo sounder, tide gauge, environmental data collection and ROV systems.
Marine systems and components including marine winches, launch and recovery systems, tow fish and seafloor salvage systems.
UK company offering supply, service, calibration and repair of marine measurement instruments and systems. Also provide marine and environmental consultancy services.
Markets underwater video systems, lighting and remotely operated vehicles.
Manufacturer of wireless technology for GPS and environmental monitoring applications, designs and manufactures wireless data links that are rugged, reliable, and field-proven.
Manufacturer of oceanographic equipment for remote environmental data collection. Specializing in drifting, Lagrangian buoys, moorings and platforms that collect physical data about the open ocean, coastal waters, and estuaries.
Design and manufacture products for field and laboratory research that range from antennas that transmit on the ARGOS frequencies, to microstructure profilers that measure high resolution of conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, and PAR.
Manufacturer specializing in submersible pressure vessels, instrumentation housings, junction boxes, pressure relief valves and other underwater equipment.
Manufacturers of Ultra-Stable dissolved oxygen, nitrogen and total dissolved gas sensors.
Develops suite of digital acoustic seabed classification products and services with a broad range of applications.
An electronic engineering company providing precision oceanographic equipment for scientific research and monitoring. Products include autonomous, submersible data recorders, monitors and sensors.
Suppliers of oceangraphic instruments, including buoys, monitoring devices, radiometers and meteorological systems.
Develops and manufactures compact, high quality instruments for reliable hydrological measurements in the field
Manufacturer of underwater electrical and optical connectors, with company profile, technical data, and international contact details. Headquarters in California.
Designs and manufactures portable, field-usable instrumentation for coastal and freshwater research. The main product line is based on the Acrobat, a versatile computer driven tow body which supports a host of research and development instrumentation selected by the user.
Manufactures underwater optical sensing instruments for physical, biological, geological, and chemical characterization of the marine environment.
Supplier of side scan sonar and underwater video cameras for search and recovery, magnetometers and other oceanographic equipment.
Manufacturer of marine sampling instrumentation including vibrocorers, box corers and grab samplers, tide gauges, sub-sea dataloggers and turbidity profilers. Design and manufacturing of cable assemblies and pressure housings.
Specialises in the design and manufacture of electric powered ROV's and electric propulsion systems.
Leading providers of oceanographic and hydrographic equipment, software, and services. Provide systems integration services, turnkey remote sensing systems and solutions, as well as technical support and services.
Manufacture fully automated cohesive strength meters for the acquisition of data relating to the critical erosion stress of sand and mud sized particles on intertidal mud flats and alike.
Building on its sponsored research, Sequoia Scientific produces optical instruments and software, specifically designed for oceanographic use.
Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), cameras and other oceanographic equipment.
Sensors, instruments, systems and calibration equipment for oceanography, marine sciences and environment.
Design and manufacture of subsea robotics including remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), underwater propulsion and control products.
Makes water velocity measurement sensors - ADCP/ADP acoustic Doppler current profilers, ADV velocimeters, DVL speed logs, Argonaut current meters, ultrasonic flow meters and other instruments.
Manufacturers of Dual Frequency Identification Sonar (DIDSON), a lens-based sonar that makes almost-photographic images with sound in turbid water where optical systems are ineffective.
Manufacturer of underwater data acquisition instruments and loggers.
Design and manufacture of high resolution echo sounders and acoustic instrumentation for precision seafloor exploration.
Suppliers of marine sampling instrumentation including sediments traps, water samplers, buoys, chlorophyl incubators, frames and pumps.
A marine science and technology company based in Dublin, Ireland that has developed the Techworks Marine Black Box range of data acquisition systems for marine data collection.
Water current measurement products (ADCP) and software for deep ocean navigation, oil platform station-keeping, and coastal monitoring. Product features, careers, and contacts.
Manufacturers of marine surveying and monitoring instrumentation.
Large range of high technology subsea products including profiling and imaging sonars, bathymetric systems, subsea inspection cameras, subsea lighting, acoustic, and imaging sensors, excavation and jetting systems for the underwater ROV market.
Specialized in providing sensitive, reliable and easy-to-use fluorometers and luminometers for the measurement of measurement of genetic reporters, nucleic acids, fluorescent tracers, algal pigments and hydrocarbons in water.
Design and manufacturing of various products ranging from environment proof electrical and optical connectors to hydroacoustic sensors and underwater vehicles.
Manufacturer of oceanographic and hydrometric instruments including current meters, wave, water level and tide recorders, sound velocity profilers, CTDs, multiparameter instruments and accessories.
Designs, manufactures, and distributes sensor technology, instruments, and real-time systems for the global biosystems market.
Design and manufacture of underwater instrumentation and equipment for environmental monitoring and research.
Manufacturer and supplier of advanced underwater video systems.
Canadian Manufacturer of single beam echo sounders being used in countries worldwide.
Manufactures miniature fibre optic spectrometers, chemical sensors, precision filters and other optical components using integrated photonics technologies.
Designs and develops underwater wireless modems for oil and gas, oceanographic instrumentation, defence, and environmental monitoring applications.
Building on its sponsored research, Sequoia Scientific produces optical instruments and software, specifically designed for oceanographic use.
Designs, manufactures and sells sensors, instruments and systems for measuring and monitoring in demanding environments.
Water current measurement products (ADCP) and software for deep ocean navigation, oil platform station-keeping, and coastal monitoring. Product features, careers, and contacts.
Development and manufacture of underwater video cameras and compact remote-controlled underwater survey vehicles, and the carrying out of underwater contracted work.
Manufactures underwater optical sensing instruments for physical, biological, geological, and chemical characterization of the marine environment.
Suppliers of acoustic instruments for measuring water motion, software for realtime operation in the field or lab and analysis software for visualisation, presentation and reports.
Manufacturers of marine surveying and monitoring instrumentation.
Supplier and manufacturer of portable echo sounder, tide gauge, environmental data collection and ROV systems.
A Norwegian company delivering wave, tide and water monitoring equipment in general and integrated systems within the fields of meteorology, oceanography and security.
Marine systems and components including marine winches, launch and recovery systems, tow fish and seafloor salvage systems.
Develops and manufactures compact, high quality instruments for reliable hydrological measurements in the field
Provides systems engineering, R&D services, and hardware to the marine science community. Specializes in the development of innovative equipment and systems to operate in harsh marine environments.
UK company offering supply, service, calibration and repair of marine measurement instruments and systems. Also provide marine and environmental consultancy services.
Represents some of the leading manufacturers of underwater equipment and marine technology.
Manufacturer of wireless technology for GPS and environmental monitoring applications, designs and manufactures wireless data links that are rugged, reliable, and field-proven.
Platform location and scientific data collection by Argos, satellite orbit determination and platform location by Doris, space oceanography data processing for TOPEX/POSEIDON and ERS.
Benign fish tags and tagging techniques using NMT fish tags including fish tagging scientific references.
Manufacturer of underwater electrical and optical connectors, with company profile, technical data, and international contact details. Headquarters in California.
Independently owned engineering company producing a range of products for the offshore, underwater, scientific, military and survey markets.
Provider of oceanographic and scientific research support services, specializing in product distribution and sales representation.
Aims to organize information about products for the development and maintenance of deep-sea observatories. Includes sensors, hardware, services and manufacturers.
Information about the company's advanced time-series samplers, environmental monitoring instrumentation, and engineering design services to the international oceanographic community.
Equipment and personnel rental companies servicing the world-wide hydrographic survey and remotely operated vehicle (ROV) industry.
Global supplier of oceanographic, coastal, freshwater and air sampling instruments technology.
Manufacturer of underwater data acquisition instruments and loggers.
Manufactures flow cytometer systems to detect, count and analyse microscopical particles such as algae and phytoplankton. Products for bench-top in the lab, in-situ on shipboard, submerged, or buoy platforms for autonomous monitoring.
An advanced applied technology company that provides engineered services and hardware to customers who operate in marine, space, and other harsh environments.
The creator of Sea Catch mechanical toggle quick release and other innovative products.
Specialises in the development of high performance and low price sidescan sonar systems.
Designs and manufactures remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), robotic and manned equipment for harsh environments.
Supplies navigation systems and meteorological equipment engineered specifically for the marine environment.
Manufacturer of oceanographic equipment including underwater lights, cameras, batteries, lasers and temperature sensors.
Designs and manufactures a variety of instruments for monitoring UV radiation in ocean and fresh water environments including profiling reflectance and UV radiometers, natural fluorometers and PAR and monochromatic sensors.
Provides underwater and bioacoustics instrumentation and consultation.
Provides a high quality liquid level determination system for hydrographic, hydrologic, and industrial tank gauging applications.
Engineering, manufacturing, and consulting firm that specializes in applying hydroacoustic technology (SONAR) to detect, monitor, and assess underwater resources and habitat conditions.
Oceanographic and geophysical equipment designers that manufacture portable equipment winches, towed bodies, and subsea instrumentation.
Manufactures and sells high-quality instrumentation for the oceanography, oil and gas, fisheries, and other offshore and inshore markets.
Manufactures environmental data acquisition systems with a focus on moored buoys for routine weather and sea state monitoring.
Guernsey-based manufacturer of altimeters and sonars.
Designer of custom underwater systems and subsea equipment for the oceanographic, offshore, and aquaculture industries. Products include imaging systems, plankton sampling equipment and subsea enclosures.
Markets a range of high precision oceanographic instrumentation which is widely used globally.
Specializes in the supply of rental equipment for offshore positioning and surveying, remote visual inspection, non-destructive testing and environmental monitoring.
Designers, manufacturers and suppliers of limnological, hydrobiological and oceanographic sampling and monitoring apparatus, tested and proven in the field.
Manufactures sampling equipment and accessories for hydrobiology, limnology, oceanography and marine biology.
Distributes a full line of echo sounders and bottom profiling systems for precision seafloor, deep lake, and river bottom exploration.
Develops, manufactures, and markets sensing devices for marine applications including sonar systems, communication and control products for devices underwater.
Developer and manufacturer of high-quality precision oceanographic instrumentation.
Scandinavian supplier of underwater equipment and services for ROV, subsea intervention and oceanographic research.
Offers a submersible marine marker buoy and retrieval system for aquaculture and research applications.
Design and manufacture of underwater instrumentation and equipment for environmental monitoring and research.
Supplier of side scan sonar and underwater video cameras for search and recovery, magnetometers and other oceanographic equipment.
Acoustic Doppler current meters, current profilers and flow meters, for the ocean, rivers and open channels, including Aquadopp current meters, Vector ADVs and ADPs.
Makes water velocity measurement sensors - ADCP/ADP acoustic Doppler current profilers, ADV velocimeters, DVL speed logs, Argonaut current meters, ultrasonic flow meters and other instruments.
Designs and manufactures portable, field-usable instrumentation for coastal and freshwater research. The main product line is based on the Acrobat, a versatile computer driven tow body which supports a host of research and development instrumentation selected by the user.
Design and manufacture of subsea robotics including remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), underwater propulsion and control products.
Design and manufacturer of the oceanographic and environmental equipment. Product line includes current meters, wave and tide gauges, acoustic releases, winches, hydrophones, buoys, and software for InterOcean instruments.
Delivers flexible, high quality, cost efficient solutions to underwater mechanical handling situations. Underwater winch specialists.
An electronic engineering company providing precision oceanographic equipment for scientific research and monitoring. Products include autonomous, submersible data recorders, monitors and sensors.
Develops suite of digital acoustic seabed classification products and services with a broad range of applications.
Manufacturer of oceanographic equipment for remote environmental data collection. Specializing in drifting, Lagrangian buoys, moorings and platforms that collect physical data about the open ocean, coastal waters, and estuaries.
Designer and supplier of geophysical instrumentation, hydrophones, towed hydrophone arrays, downhole arrays, sonars, ocean CTD profilers and other hydrographic equipment.
Geosurvey solutions provider of underwater technology for imaging and mapping the seabed including inertial attitude and positioning, sub-bottom profiling and sidescan sonar imaging instruments.
Design and manufacture products for field and laboratory research that range from antennas that transmit on the ARGOS frequencies, to microstructure profilers that measure high resolution of conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, and PAR.
Manufactures, leases and sells oceanographic, environmental and meteorological instrumentation for scientific research worldwide.
Manufacturer specializing in submersible pressure vessels, instrumentation housings, junction boxes, pressure relief valves and other underwater equipment.
Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), cameras and other oceanographic equipment.
Design and manufacture of subsea cables and umbilical systems for a range of users.
Suppliers of oceangraphic instruments, including buoys, monitoring devices, radiometers and meteorological systems.
Suppliers of marine sampling instrumentation including sediments traps, water samplers, buoys, chlorophyl incubators, frames and pumps.
Designs, manufactures, and distributes sensor technology, instruments, and real-time systems for the global biosystems market.
Specializes in the development of innovative ocean measurement instrumentation and systems. Developers of lightweight Conductivity/Temperature/Depth (CTD) instruments for use in ocean profiling, moored and shipboard data logging applications.
Manufactures acoustic and GPS integrated positioning systems, underwater cameras and underwater data acquisition and telemetry systems for oceanographic applications.
Supplies all types of field / laboratory research equipment for limnology, oceanography and hydrobiology.
Development of innovative marine instrumentation including a series of low maintenance full ocean depth fast response sensors, in-situ trace metal analyzers, benthic chambers and a data telemetry profiling buoy.
Specialises in the design and manufacture of oceanographic magnetic exploration equipment including marine magnetometers and gradiometers.
Manufacturing and development company for state-of-the-art oceanographic and meteorological data acquisition and telemetry systems for severe environments.
Design and manufacturing of various products ranging from environment proof electrical and optical connectors to hydroacoustic sensors and underwater vehicles.
Leading providers of oceanographic and hydrographic equipment, software, and services. Provide systems integration services, turnkey remote sensing systems and solutions, as well as technical support and services.
Manufacturers of Dual Frequency Identification Sonar (DIDSON), a lens-based sonar that makes almost-photographic images with sound in turbid water where optical systems are ineffective.
HOBI Labs offers a unique line of optical instruments and sensors. Specialises in optical oceanography and hydro-optical instrumentation for the marine sciences community.
Designs and fabricates oceanographic surface and subsurface buoys, trawl resistant bottom mounts, provides all mooring components including wire rope and marine hardware for shallow and deep sea systems.
Markets underwater video systems, lighting and remotely operated vehicles.
Design and manufacture custom and semi-custom oceanographic instruments including hydrophone arrays, camera systems, attitude sensors and sediment bearing strength probes.
Manufactures GPS/DGPS and Argos drifting buoys, environmental telemetry systems, hydrographic instruments, equipment relocation products. Offers custom and semicustom work and OEM design services.
A marine science and technology company based in Dublin, Ireland that has developed the Techworks Marine Black Box range of data acquisition systems for marine data collection.
Manufacturer of oceanographic and hydrometric instruments including current meters, wave, water level and tide recorders, sound velocity profilers, CTDs, multiparameter instruments and accessories.
Specializes in the engineering and supply of underwater oceanographic equipment.
Manufacturer of marine sampling instrumentation including vibrocorers, box corers and grab samplers, tide gauges, sub-sea dataloggers and turbidity profilers. Design and manufacturing of cable assemblies and pressure housings.
Large range of high technology subsea products including profiling and imaging sonars, bathymetric systems, subsea inspection cameras, subsea lighting, acoustic, and imaging sensors, excavation and jetting systems for the underwater ROV market.
Specialises in the design and manufacture of electric powered ROV's and electric propulsion systems.
Manufacturers of Ultra-Stable dissolved oxygen, nitrogen and total dissolved gas sensors.
Design and manufacture of high resolution echo sounders and acoustic instrumentation for precision seafloor exploration.
Sensors, instruments, systems and calibration equipment for oceanography, marine sciences and environment.
Produces a side scan sonar system which sets the standard for high quality performance and offers an ability to locate objects underwater with near photographic quality.
Specialized in providing sensitive, reliable and easy-to-use fluorometers and luminometers for the measurement of measurement of genetic reporters, nucleic acids, fluorescent tracers, algal pigments and hydrocarbons in water.
Manufacturer of hydrophones and underwater sound projectors. Custom design of transducers and test equipment to meet demanding specifications.
Manufacture fully automated cohesive strength meters for the acquisition of data relating to the critical erosion stress of sand and mud sized particles on intertidal mud flats and alike.
Last update:
June 20, 2023 at 6:25:06 UTC
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