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This category is for any website which deals with fossils or paleontology of the United Kingdom.
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Museum and visitor attraction on the Isle of White. Provides details of exhibits, events, news and educational activities.
Information about all known dinosaurs on the Isle of Wight, with collecting information and museum reviews.
Provides a geological map of the United Kingdom and information on where to look for fossils and what is likely to be found at each location.
Abbey Wood is in a south-east London park and is famous for its fossil shark's teeth and shells. [PDF]
Describes the fossils of the lower cretaceous Albian in Kent. Also identifies and illustrates the many fossil groups found.
Ian West provides photographs and information on the World Heritage Jurassic Coast with links to the web pages of specific Wessex localities.
Fossils of the United Kingdom, with descriptions and photographs.
Dedicated to the history of collecting and the lower Eocene, Ypresian, fossil fauna of the Isle of Sheppey, Kent, UK.
Online exhibits on plesiosaurs, icthyosaurs, fish, ammonites, belemnites, plants and echinoderms. From the University of Cambridge.
Contains information about United Kingdom fossils and collecting localities.
Ian West provides photographs and information on the World Heritage Jurassic Coast with links to the web pages of specific Wessex localities.
Information about all known dinosaurs on the Isle of Wight, with collecting information and museum reviews.
Museum and visitor attraction on the Isle of White. Provides details of exhibits, events, news and educational activities.
Provides a geological map of the United Kingdom and information on where to look for fossils and what is likely to be found at each location.
Fossils of the United Kingdom, with descriptions and photographs.
Abbey Wood is in a south-east London park and is famous for its fossil shark's teeth and shells. [PDF]
Describes the fossils of the lower cretaceous Albian in Kent. Also identifies and illustrates the many fossil groups found.
Online exhibits on plesiosaurs, icthyosaurs, fish, ammonites, belemnites, plants and echinoderms. From the University of Cambridge.
Dedicated to the history of collecting and the lower Eocene, Ypresian, fossil fauna of the Isle of Sheppey, Kent, UK.
Contains information about United Kingdom fossils and collecting localities.
Last update:
October 18, 2023 at 7:05:02 UTC
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