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Science Environment Organizations
Most organizations listed in this area are concerned with a wide range of environmental topics. Single-focus organizations are found under the appropriate topical headings.

Some listings are actually links to categories elsewhere in the directory. This category is for scientifically-oriented organizations. Environmental advocacy groups are listed in Society:Issues:Environment:Organizations.

Listed as Subcategories:

"Governmental" includes national government agencies and international intergovernmental agencies (such as United Nations organizations).

"Industry Groups" lists environmental sites maintained by private corporations or industry consortia.

"Professional Associations" are organizations of professionals engaged in various environmental fields.

"Research Institutes" are operated by universities, governments, foundations, and NGOs. They are engaged primarily in acquisition and dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge about the environment or its protection.
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Organization dedicated to the scientific study of fishes, amphibians and reptiles. Provides information on membership, the quarterly journal, meetings and conservation programs.
Australia's leading environment group covers national environmental issues: forests, national parks, uranium mining, global warming, world heritage, rivers, recycling, pollution, wilderness and endangered species.
A scientific society whose focus is the study and management of inland waters.
The CCEA is committed to establishing a comprehensive network of protected areas linked together in a system that will protect Canada's terrestrial and aquatic diversity in perpetuity.
The (CACS) is a nonprofit environmental education organization in Homer, Alaska.
Promotes and facilitates public participation in the oversight of environmental activities, including but not limited to the remediation of federal facilities, private "Superfund" sites, and Brownfields.
The Institute currently has around 1000 members drawn from local authorities, government agencies, industry, environmental consultancy, teaching/research, and voluntary environmental organisations. Membership is encouraged both from individuals and organisations actively working in the field and from people with a general interest.
CEC is an information clearinghouse and communications network for environmental issues in the Houston/Galveston,Texas, area.
The group was founded by David Bellamy and David Shreeve to provide a means for people in public, private, and non-profit sectors to collaborate on environmental causes.
Charitable organization that protects endangered rainforest and ecosystems and provides sustainable jobs for indigenous people. Includes details of how members of the public can participate.
A coalition of clergy, theologians, religious leaders, scientists, academics, and policy experts committed to bringing a proper and balanced Biblical view of stewardship to the critical issues of environment and development
An environmental non-profit organization registered in Canada, working to design a vision of Earth in which humans live within the planet's productive capacity, and finding and communicating practical steps to bring that vision to reality.
Indonesian organization that aims to provide services to small farmers to enhance self reliance, environmental preservation and sustainable development. Includes details of programs and projects.
Environmental Organization: Develops and supports projects that counteract environmental threats. Issues: sustainable development, biodiversity, restoration, global warming, social justice, oceans, forests.
An active advocate in protecting the environment since 1972.
Endangered Planet Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring the survival of the Earth through education, dialog, the dissemination of knowledge and the recognition that advances in technology can provide many of the answers which will lead to a sustainable future.
International organization dedicated to providing members with information and education on real estate environmental inspections, testing and hazardous material removal. Includes information on the organization, membership, events and programs.
U.S. national non-profit, non-partisan association of state and territorial environmental commissioners. Site helps provide an exchange of ideas, views and experiences in environmental regulation and management, as well as state positions on national environmental issues.
Germany-based NGO working to promoting the dialogue between environment, economy and politics. Information about projects and concerns.
South African social enterprise addressing greening, climate change action, food security, sustainable water and soil use and management, with a strong focus on environmental and global warming education and awareness.
Network of scientists and engineers addressing environmental problems around the globe. Includes discussion forums and conference information.
Works to form new links with the research, policy and grassroots communities to preserve the future of the planet and protect the quality of the environment.
A private, nonprofit corporation formed in 1989 by the Governors of the Great Lakes States. It is a permanent environmental endowment that supports collaborative actions to improve the health of the Great Lakes ecosystem.
Green Corps' one-year, full time, paid program gives you the best training available to launch an environmental/social organizing and advocacy career.
Collecting resources and support for environmental causes.
Plans to showcase model programs of animal and horticulture therapies, have the Albert Schweitzer Campus for the education of interactions between humans, animals and the natural environment and advice on the development of a sustainable community including special amenities and services for companion animals to be named Harmony, FL.
Information Center for the Environment is a cooperative effort of environmental scientists at the University of California, Davis and collaborators at over thirty private, state, federal, and international organizations interested in environmental protection.
This organization aims to encourage research and promote an exchange of ideas on the Bryozoa. Since its foundation is has grown into an association numbering some 200 members world-wide, and covering both the fields of palaeontology and zoology.
For private persons and organizations dealing with environmental modelling, software and related topics. Organization information, upcoming conferences, and links to related sites.
Nonprofit scholarly organization that promotes the participation of statisticians, mathematicians, scientists and engineers in the solution of environmental problems.
INECE is an international partnership promoting compliance and enforcement of domestic and international environmental laws through networking, capacity building, and enforcement cooperation.
The motivation of the foundation of ISB was to bring together scientists working in the field of Biometeorology, who are interested in environmental and ecological problems.
(ITDP)promotes environmentally sustainable transportation policies and projects worldwide, acting to counter automobile dependence in developing countries and Central and Eastern Europe.
A non-profit, environmental organization which uses the power of flight to conserve and protect the earth's diverse ecosystems, plant and animal life, and natural resources.
The Louisiana Environmental Action Network is dedicated to making Louisiana safe for future generations. The site serves as an information center for people who have concerns about the environment.
A non-profit organization that provides education programs and conducts research to develop a scientific and public understanding of the coastal, estaurine, and watershed environments in southeastern New England.
Organization in Fiji aiming to sustain community livelihoods and tourism through the protection of marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Includes details of the community, events, programs and projects.
Site provides information on US national parks and campaigns to protect these natural, historic and cultural treasures.
Designed to accept contributions, real or personal property, grants or bequests. These gifts will be used to benefit park development and wildlife preservation and enhancement.
Organized to promote and coordinate marine research in the northern North Pacific and adjacent seas.
An association of people promoting the use of information technology to assist towards the goal of ecological sustainability and social justice. Lists objectives and events.
Dedicated to Protecting the Beauty and Wildness of the Wasatch Canyons, Mountains and Foothills in Utah
Aims to save ecosystems via purchase and preservation of threatened habitats around the world. Members of the public are invited to adopt an acre or adopt a coral reef.
Working to protect the natural environment of the Tongass Forest and surrounding waters of Southeast Alaska.
Teaches practical lessons about basic human needs - food, clothing and community - in order to promote awareness of agriculture, its processes and products, more sustainable use of natural resources, a personal sense of connection with the natural world, and with the environment.
SPNHC is a multidisciplinary organization for those interested in the preservation, conservation and management of natural history collections.
ULSF promotes academic leadership for the advancement of global environmental literacy.
Collecting resources and support for environmental causes.
SPNHC is a multidisciplinary organization for those interested in the preservation, conservation and management of natural history collections.
South African social enterprise addressing greening, climate change action, food security, sustainable water and soil use and management, with a strong focus on environmental and global warming education and awareness.
A scientific society whose focus is the study and management of inland waters.
The motivation of the foundation of ISB was to bring together scientists working in the field of Biometeorology, who are interested in environmental and ecological problems.
Australia's leading environment group covers national environmental issues: forests, national parks, uranium mining, global warming, world heritage, rivers, recycling, pollution, wilderness and endangered species.
The Institute currently has around 1000 members drawn from local authorities, government agencies, industry, environmental consultancy, teaching/research, and voluntary environmental organisations. Membership is encouraged both from individuals and organisations actively working in the field and from people with a general interest.
Endangered Planet Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring the survival of the Earth through education, dialog, the dissemination of knowledge and the recognition that advances in technology can provide many of the answers which will lead to a sustainable future.
This organization aims to encourage research and promote an exchange of ideas on the Bryozoa. Since its foundation is has grown into an association numbering some 200 members world-wide, and covering both the fields of palaeontology and zoology.
Environmental Organization: Develops and supports projects that counteract environmental threats. Issues: sustainable development, biodiversity, restoration, global warming, social justice, oceans, forests.
Organization in Fiji aiming to sustain community livelihoods and tourism through the protection of marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Includes details of the community, events, programs and projects.
Indonesian organization that aims to provide services to small farmers to enhance self reliance, environmental preservation and sustainable development. Includes details of programs and projects.
Charitable organization that protects endangered rainforest and ecosystems and provides sustainable jobs for indigenous people. Includes details of how members of the public can participate.
Aims to save ecosystems via purchase and preservation of threatened habitats around the world. Members of the public are invited to adopt an acre or adopt a coral reef.
A coalition of clergy, theologians, religious leaders, scientists, academics, and policy experts committed to bringing a proper and balanced Biblical view of stewardship to the critical issues of environment and development
Nonprofit scholarly organization that promotes the participation of statisticians, mathematicians, scientists and engineers in the solution of environmental problems.
Organization dedicated to the scientific study of fishes, amphibians and reptiles. Provides information on membership, the quarterly journal, meetings and conservation programs.
International organization dedicated to providing members with information and education on real estate environmental inspections, testing and hazardous material removal. Includes information on the organization, membership, events and programs.
ULSF promotes academic leadership for the advancement of global environmental literacy.
Organized to promote and coordinate marine research in the northern North Pacific and adjacent seas.
For private persons and organizations dealing with environmental modelling, software and related topics. Organization information, upcoming conferences, and links to related sites.
Plans to showcase model programs of animal and horticulture therapies, have the Albert Schweitzer Campus for the education of interactions between humans, animals and the natural environment and advice on the development of a sustainable community including special amenities and services for companion animals to be named Harmony, FL.
Designed to accept contributions, real or personal property, grants or bequests. These gifts will be used to benefit park development and wildlife preservation and enhancement.
The (CACS) is a nonprofit environmental education organization in Homer, Alaska.
A non-profit organization that provides education programs and conducts research to develop a scientific and public understanding of the coastal, estaurine, and watershed environments in southeastern New England.
Germany-based NGO working to promoting the dialogue between environment, economy and politics. Information about projects and concerns.
The CCEA is committed to establishing a comprehensive network of protected areas linked together in a system that will protect Canada's terrestrial and aquatic diversity in perpetuity.
A non-profit, environmental organization which uses the power of flight to conserve and protect the earth's diverse ecosystems, plant and animal life, and natural resources.
Information Center for the Environment is a cooperative effort of environmental scientists at the University of California, Davis and collaborators at over thirty private, state, federal, and international organizations interested in environmental protection.
Site provides information on US national parks and campaigns to protect these natural, historic and cultural treasures.
Green Corps' one-year, full time, paid program gives you the best training available to launch an environmental/social organizing and advocacy career.
INECE is an international partnership promoting compliance and enforcement of domestic and international environmental laws through networking, capacity building, and enforcement cooperation.
Working to protect the natural environment of the Tongass Forest and surrounding waters of Southeast Alaska.
(ITDP)promotes environmentally sustainable transportation policies and projects worldwide, acting to counter automobile dependence in developing countries and Central and Eastern Europe.
An active advocate in protecting the environment since 1972.
The group was founded by David Bellamy and David Shreeve to provide a means for people in public, private, and non-profit sectors to collaborate on environmental causes.
Dedicated to Protecting the Beauty and Wildness of the Wasatch Canyons, Mountains and Foothills in Utah
Network of scientists and engineers addressing environmental problems around the globe. Includes discussion forums and conference information.
Teaches practical lessons about basic human needs - food, clothing and community - in order to promote awareness of agriculture, its processes and products, more sustainable use of natural resources, a personal sense of connection with the natural world, and with the environment.
Works to form new links with the research, policy and grassroots communities to preserve the future of the planet and protect the quality of the environment.
The Louisiana Environmental Action Network is dedicated to making Louisiana safe for future generations. The site serves as an information center for people who have concerns about the environment.
CEC is an information clearinghouse and communications network for environmental issues in the Houston/Galveston,Texas, area.
Promotes and facilitates public participation in the oversight of environmental activities, including but not limited to the remediation of federal facilities, private "Superfund" sites, and Brownfields.
U.S. national non-profit, non-partisan association of state and territorial environmental commissioners. Site helps provide an exchange of ideas, views and experiences in environmental regulation and management, as well as state positions on national environmental issues.
A private, nonprofit corporation formed in 1989 by the Governors of the Great Lakes States. It is a permanent environmental endowment that supports collaborative actions to improve the health of the Great Lakes ecosystem.
An association of people promoting the use of information technology to assist towards the goal of ecological sustainability and social justice. Lists objectives and events.
An environmental non-profit organization registered in Canada, working to design a vision of Earth in which humans live within the planet's productive capacity, and finding and communicating practical steps to bring that vision to reality.

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Last update:
October 22, 2023 at 5:45:17 UTC
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