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Science Environment Sustainability
The World Commission on Environment and Development (the Brundtland Commission), defined "sustainable development" as follows in the report Our Common Future (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1987): "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It contains within it two key concepts: the concept of "needs", in particular the essential needs of the world's poor, to which overriding priority should be given; and the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment's ability to meet present and future needs." Sustainability can encompass many things and can be pursued on several different levels and scales. This section of the Open Directory addresses global-scale sustainability, regional and community sustainability, and sustainable living in daily lives. ("Think globally, act locally.")
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Works with schools and networks on education for sustainable living.
Explores how human society can become sustainable, and serves as a catalyst for voluntary change toward a more humane and sustainable culture.
A "think-do tank" dedicated to sustainable resource use, economics, and community. Providing information, analysis, and practical demonstrations that can foster transitions to sustainable systems at all levels of society, from local to global. Limited information on website.
Facilitates information exchange including key documents, events, web sites, ideas, and discussions within the emerging field of sustainability science.
Information resources promoting the development and use of innovative technology to achieve sustainable development.
Non-profit research group developing an index for measuring sustainable development for Nova Scotia, integrating social, economic, and environmental variables.
A UK organisation that aims to promote sustainable development by ensuring that the environment is at the heart of decision-making.
Diverse information about sustainable agriculture, native ecosystems, and issues. Site offers different territory specific sections.
International Institute for Sustainable Development. Focus is on sustainability at the global, regional, and community scales.
The ILSR is a nonprofit research and educational organization that provides technical assistance and information on environmentally sound economic development strategies.
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH Zurich initiatives for sustainability, energy, ecology and economy. Includes information about current projects and upcoming events. English/French/German.
Organization promoting social and environmental sustainability through decentralism. Information on philosophies, projects and lectures; community-oriented economies, local currencies, community land trusts, and similar measures.
Nonprofit organization working to help colleges and universities expand their efforts to make environmentally sustainable and just action a foundation of learning and practice. Organization information and resources for promoting sustainability.
Independent, international research institute specialising in sustainable development and environment issues at local, national, regional and global policy levels. Aims to clarify the requirements, strategies and policies for a transition to sustainability. These goals are linked to the principles advocated in Agenda 21 and the Conventions such as Climate Change, Ozone Layer Protection and Biological Diversity.
Website about sustainable development in the construction, engineering, planning and property sectors. Searchable listings of sustainability events, searchable index, and sample articles. Focus is on the UK.
US Environmental Protection Agency programs, research and activities related to Urban Sustainability; Water and Ecosystem Services; Energy, Biofuels and Climate Change; and Materials Management and Human Health.
Case studies, planning guides and worksheets for programs to promote healthier and/or more environmentally sustainable actions and habits.
Independent, international research institute specialising in sustainable development and environment issues at local, national, regional and global policy levels. Aims to clarify the requirements, strategies and policies for a transition to sustainability. These goals are linked to the principles advocated in Agenda 21 and the Conventions such as Climate Change, Ozone Layer Protection and Biological Diversity.
Explores how human society can become sustainable, and serves as a catalyst for voluntary change toward a more humane and sustainable culture.
A "think-do tank" dedicated to sustainable resource use, economics, and community. Providing information, analysis, and practical demonstrations that can foster transitions to sustainable systems at all levels of society, from local to global. Limited information on website.
Organization promoting social and environmental sustainability through decentralism. Information on philosophies, projects and lectures; community-oriented economies, local currencies, community land trusts, and similar measures.
US Environmental Protection Agency programs, research and activities related to Urban Sustainability; Water and Ecosystem Services; Energy, Biofuels and Climate Change; and Materials Management and Human Health.
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH Zurich initiatives for sustainability, energy, ecology and economy. Includes information about current projects and upcoming events. English/French/German.
A UK organisation that aims to promote sustainable development by ensuring that the environment is at the heart of decision-making.
Works with schools and networks on education for sustainable living.
Facilitates information exchange including key documents, events, web sites, ideas, and discussions within the emerging field of sustainability science.
Case studies, planning guides and worksheets for programs to promote healthier and/or more environmentally sustainable actions and habits.
Information resources promoting the development and use of innovative technology to achieve sustainable development.
Non-profit research group developing an index for measuring sustainable development for Nova Scotia, integrating social, economic, and environmental variables.
Nonprofit organization working to help colleges and universities expand their efforts to make environmentally sustainable and just action a foundation of learning and practice. Organization information and resources for promoting sustainability.
International Institute for Sustainable Development. Focus is on sustainability at the global, regional, and community scales.
The ILSR is a nonprofit research and educational organization that provides technical assistance and information on environmentally sound economic development strategies.
Website about sustainable development in the construction, engineering, planning and property sectors. Searchable listings of sustainability events, searchable index, and sample articles. Focus is on the UK.
Diverse information about sustainable agriculture, native ecosystems, and issues. Site offers different territory specific sections.
Last update:
October 21, 2024 at 20:33:02 UTC
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