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Suppliers of wastewater-related products and services related to the treatment, stabilization and use of aerobic and anaerobic sludges, bio-solids and odors for the municipal, industrial and institutional markets.
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Information on microscopy methods for process control, bulking prevention, sludge flocs, filamentous organisms, scum and related areas. CD-ROM products for analysts and process opeartors.
Specializing in biofilters and biofiltration devices for odor control of hydrogen sulfide and other organics from municipal and industrial wastewater collection and treatment processes.
Providing twin belt filter press systems for dewatering sludge. Provide individual components, skid mounted units or trailer mounted units. They also provide contract dewatering and rental units.
Quality endorsed to ISO 9001. A professional manufacturer of belt press, filter press, sludge dryer,DAF system, sludge scraper, bar screen, chemical preparation system, and wastewater treatment.
Providing odor control, H2S removal and mercaptan removal. Manufacturers representative for waste water, aerators, air valves, SBR systems and UV systems.
De-watering of sludge, liquid/solids separation, process clarification and discharge compliance for industrial and municipal concerns.
Manufacturer of gravity solids / liquid separation equipment, Wedgewater rapid sludge dewatering bed media, Lateral Flow sludge thickener, Wedgewater sieves.
Offers a book on "Activated Sludge: Evaluating and Controlling Your Process."
For sludge dewatering, sewage treatment, effluent treatment, waste water treatment, preliminary treatment, tertiary treatment, industrial treatment, grit treatment, grit classifiers and grit classifying.
Pollution prevention technologies for recycling used water based cleaners, and for treatment of sludges, odors and VOCs.
Wastewater equipment for treatment facilities, industrial and municipal. Water Purification Since 1928.
Source for mobile mechanical solids dewatering needs.
Provides digester and pond cleaning, bio-solids screening, bio-solids hauling, dredging, dewatering, sludge drying and disposal options.
Removal and land application of solids from wastewater and water treatment facilities
Odor control products and advice for a wide variety of odor control problems.
A mechanical polymer/sludge mixer for application in the dewatering of municipal, industrial and ATAD sludges.
Belt filter presses for effective sludge dewatering.
Sewage sludge ("biosolids") imports into PA, land-application, landfills and recycling of biosolids. Specifics about Manor Landfill and A and M Composting (Mascaro)in Lancaster County, PA.
Products are: MICROCAT, iSOC units and analytical instruments. Applications are wastewater treatment, grease and fat removal, bioremediation, cleaning, odor control, composting, agriculture and aquaculture.
Sludge dewatering technology, including specifications of the Unison Range of Belt Filter Presses and details of one time licensing agreements of sludge dewatering systems.
Manufactures odor control equipment and chemicals for use in municipal and industrial wastewater collection lines, wastewater treatment plants, and foul air treatment systems.
Product information on the ThermAer ATAD and Ambio Biofilter. Contact and Rep information.
Digester cleaning, lagoon cleaning, land application, dredging,wastewater solids management, screening,dewatering pumping and hauling of biosolids, technical assistance in all areas of water and wastewater operation and maintenance.
Providing twin belt filter press systems for dewatering sludge. Provide individual components, skid mounted units or trailer mounted units. They also provide contract dewatering and rental units.
Belt filter presses for effective sludge dewatering.
Sewage sludge ("biosolids") imports into PA, land-application, landfills and recycling of biosolids. Specifics about Manor Landfill and A and M Composting (Mascaro)in Lancaster County, PA.
Offers a book on "Activated Sludge: Evaluating and Controlling Your Process."
Products are: MICROCAT, iSOC units and analytical instruments. Applications are wastewater treatment, grease and fat removal, bioremediation, cleaning, odor control, composting, agriculture and aquaculture.
Providing odor control, H2S removal and mercaptan removal. Manufacturers representative for waste water, aerators, air valves, SBR systems and UV systems.
De-watering of sludge, liquid/solids separation, process clarification and discharge compliance for industrial and municipal concerns.
Quality endorsed to ISO 9001. A professional manufacturer of belt press, filter press, sludge dryer,DAF system, sludge scraper, bar screen, chemical preparation system, and wastewater treatment.
Digester cleaning, lagoon cleaning, land application, dredging,wastewater solids management, screening,dewatering pumping and hauling of biosolids, technical assistance in all areas of water and wastewater operation and maintenance.
Product information on the ThermAer ATAD and Ambio Biofilter. Contact and Rep information.
For sludge dewatering, sewage treatment, effluent treatment, waste water treatment, preliminary treatment, tertiary treatment, industrial treatment, grit treatment, grit classifiers and grit classifying.
Specializing in biofilters and biofiltration devices for odor control of hydrogen sulfide and other organics from municipal and industrial wastewater collection and treatment processes.
Wastewater equipment for treatment facilities, industrial and municipal. Water Purification Since 1928.
Information on microscopy methods for process control, bulking prevention, sludge flocs, filamentous organisms, scum and related areas. CD-ROM products for analysts and process opeartors.
Removal and land application of solids from wastewater and water treatment facilities
A mechanical polymer/sludge mixer for application in the dewatering of municipal, industrial and ATAD sludges.
Sludge dewatering technology, including specifications of the Unison Range of Belt Filter Presses and details of one time licensing agreements of sludge dewatering systems.
Manufactures odor control equipment and chemicals for use in municipal and industrial wastewater collection lines, wastewater treatment plants, and foul air treatment systems.
Pollution prevention technologies for recycling used water based cleaners, and for treatment of sludges, odors and VOCs.
Provides digester and pond cleaning, bio-solids screening, bio-solids hauling, dredging, dewatering, sludge drying and disposal options.
Source for mobile mechanical solids dewatering needs.
Manufacturer of gravity solids / liquid separation equipment, Wedgewater rapid sludge dewatering bed media, Lateral Flow sludge thickener, Wedgewater sieves.
Odor control products and advice for a wide variety of odor control problems.
Last update:
November 24, 2022 at 6:55:03 UTC
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