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Science Instruments and Supplies Tribology and Lubrication
These sites are from companies that make, manufacture, distribute or sale primarily lab instruments for tribology or the study of lubrication or its effects. Tribology: The science of the mechanisms of friction, lubrication, and wear of interacting surfaces that are in relative motion. From the Greek tribos, a rubbing; tribein, to rub.
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Supplies training, instruments and services for condition monitoring and predictive maintenance programs for tribology and lubrication.
Manufacturer of standard and custom designed material testing equipment. Includes sample product list.
Offers a complete line of tribology test equipment and services for friction, wear, lubrication, and abrasion studies.
A tribological testing laboratory and manufacturer of tribological test machines and specimens for sale
Designs and manufactures tribology instruments for friction and wear testing conforming to ASTM, IP and related test methods as well as custom designed products.
Manufacturer of profilometers, mechanical testers and tribometers. Also offers a range of nano/micro/macro mechanical and 3D non-contact metrology testing services.
Viscosity standards and refractive index standards.
Tribology testing division.
Tribology testing division.
Manufacturer of profilometers, mechanical testers and tribometers. Also offers a range of nano/micro/macro mechanical and 3D non-contact metrology testing services.
Supplies training, instruments and services for condition monitoring and predictive maintenance programs for tribology and lubrication.
Designs and manufactures tribology instruments for friction and wear testing conforming to ASTM, IP and related test methods as well as custom designed products.
Manufacturer of standard and custom designed material testing equipment. Includes sample product list.
Offers a complete line of tribology test equipment and services for friction, wear, lubrication, and abrasion studies.
Viscosity standards and refractive index standards.
A tribological testing laboratory and manufacturer of tribological test machines and specimens for sale
Last update:
October 17, 2023 at 5:45:06 UTC
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