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This category is concerned with:

  • application software dealing with combinatorial problems in a scientific scope.
  • libraries of combinatorial algorithms which reflect the actual scientific state of the art.

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Combinatorial analysis, discrete mathematics and computer algebra are the main interests of the Algorithms Projects. The packages let you define combinatorial structures; manipulate the associated generating functions, functional equations or recurrences; study their asymptotic behaviour.
Software for visualizing graph algorithms. Free under GPL. Unix, Linux, MacOs and Windows versions.
C++ library of graph optimization algorithms with a GUI for editing, running and tracing the algorithms.
By using the DSATUR algorithm, this php/form colors any graph in the Dimacs format.
A tool for graph theory, having a generator and offering various algorithms: shortest paths, network flows, maximal clique, optimal coloring etc.
Three algorithms written in NESL for finding separators of graphs, in order to compare the quality of the cuts.
A set of small utilities realizing theoretical graph algorithms (including tree algorithms). The utilities work with simple text input/output formats.
Tool for investigating Graph Theory, with a GTK interface. Free under GPL. Unix, source code in C++.
Provides a fast graphisomorphism algorithm written in object-oriented Java using the popular yfiles graph library. The ITGI algorithm can be freely downloaded.
Free Java class library that provides mathematical graph-theory objects and algorithms.
A program for computing automorphism groups of graphs and digraphs. It can also produce a canonical labelling.
NetworkX (NX) is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks.
Programs for generation of certain types of planar graph, generated in such a way that exactly one member of each isomorphism class is output without the need for storing them.
A program for computing the maximal graphs using the star complement technique including programs for computing the maximal cliques and the isomorphism classes of graphs.
John Stembridge's Maple packages for symmetric functions, posets, root systems, and finite Coxeter groups.
Free Java class library that provides mathematical graph-theory objects and algorithms.
NetworkX (NX) is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks.
C++ library of graph optimization algorithms with a GUI for editing, running and tracing the algorithms.
Provides a fast graphisomorphism algorithm written in object-oriented Java using the popular yfiles graph library. The ITGI algorithm can be freely downloaded.
Software for visualizing graph algorithms. Free under GPL. Unix, Linux, MacOs and Windows versions.
A program for computing the maximal graphs using the star complement technique including programs for computing the maximal cliques and the isomorphism classes of graphs.
A set of small utilities realizing theoretical graph algorithms (including tree algorithms). The utilities work with simple text input/output formats.
John Stembridge's Maple packages for symmetric functions, posets, root systems, and finite Coxeter groups.
Combinatorial analysis, discrete mathematics and computer algebra are the main interests of the Algorithms Projects. The packages let you define combinatorial structures; manipulate the associated generating functions, functional equations or recurrences; study their asymptotic behaviour.
A program for computing automorphism groups of graphs and digraphs. It can also produce a canonical labelling.
A tool for graph theory, having a generator and offering various algorithms: shortest paths, network flows, maximal clique, optimal coloring etc.
Tool for investigating Graph Theory, with a GTK interface. Free under GPL. Unix, source code in C++.
Three algorithms written in NESL for finding separators of graphs, in order to compare the quality of the cuts.
By using the DSATUR algorithm, this php/form colors any graph in the Dimacs format.
Programs for generation of certain types of planar graph, generated in such a way that exactly one member of each isomorphism class is output without the need for storing them.
Last update:
October 25, 2023 at 16:37:49 UTC
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