The study of geometrical systems which differ from that of Eculid, specifically with respect to the 5th or an equivalent to the Parallel Postulate, which states:
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If two lines are drawn which intersect a third in such a way that the sum of the inner angles on one side is less than two right angles, then the two lines inevitably must intersect each other on that side if extended far enough.This means that in the Euclidean world that lines that are not parallel must inevitably meet. This is not always true in non-Euclidean geometry. This category may also contain webpages with discussion of the validity or otherwise of these different geometries.
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Includes a set of supplementary notes that provide an introduction to Minkowskian geometry and a toolkit for constructing figures.
A historical account with links to biographies of some of the people involved.
Software simulation offering straightedge and compass constructions in hyperbolic geometry.
A philosophical essay.
Seminar notes by Greg Schreiber.
Finding the shortest distance between two points on the earth given latitude and longitude. Download ARC_CALC_3, Microsoft Excel version, A Spherical Triangle Calculator by James Q. Jacobs.
A historical account with links to biographies of some of the people involved.
Includes a set of supplementary notes that provide an introduction to Minkowskian geometry and a toolkit for constructing figures.
Software simulation offering straightedge and compass constructions in hyperbolic geometry.
Finding the shortest distance between two points on the earth given latitude and longitude. Download ARC_CALC_3, Microsoft Excel version, A Spherical Triangle Calculator by James Q. Jacobs.
A philosophical essay.
Seminar notes by Greg Schreiber.
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August 5, 2020 at 5:25:10 UTC
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