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Sites hosting collections of freely available online mathematics texts and similar materials, or links to them.
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AMS published books available for free download in PDF. Also links to other online books.
E-print archive in various areas of physics, mathematics, nonlinear science, and computer science.
Online Books page at the University of Pennsylvania.
Textbooks and expository articles hosted by the Electronic Journal of Differential Equations.
A digital library for classical mathematics.
Books hosted by the European Mathematical Information Service in various formats, typically PostScript, but sometimes also DVI and PDF.
A digital collection of classics from the National Library of France.
Commercial library of mathematics texts and articles from CRC/Chapman and Hall. Annual subscription required.
A collection of HTML lectures on various subjects in mathematics and physics.
This site exists primarily to host on-line textbooks and other scholarly materials in mathematics or physics.
A free collection of interactive mathematics and science books. Requires free (Windows) software to read.
Digitized ancient mathematical documents in Grenoble.
Links to online mathematics texts, maintained by George Cain at Georgia Institute of Technology.
A digital library of books selected from the University of Michigan mathematics collection, published in the 19th or early 20th century.
A digital library of books selected from the University of Michigan mathematics collection, published in the 19th or early 20th century.
Books hosted by the European Mathematical Information Service in various formats, typically PostScript, but sometimes also DVI and PDF.
A digital library for classical mathematics.
Links to online mathematics texts, maintained by George Cain at Georgia Institute of Technology.
A digital collection of classics from the National Library of France.
AMS published books available for free download in PDF. Also links to other online books.
E-print archive in various areas of physics, mathematics, nonlinear science, and computer science.
Textbooks and expository articles hosted by the Electronic Journal of Differential Equations.
This site exists primarily to host on-line textbooks and other scholarly materials in mathematics or physics.
A free collection of interactive mathematics and science books. Requires free (Windows) software to read.
Online Books page at the University of Pennsylvania.
Commercial library of mathematics texts and articles from CRC/Chapman and Hall. Annual subscription required.
Digitized ancient mathematical documents in Grenoble.
A collection of HTML lectures on various subjects in mathematics and physics.
Last update:
May 16, 2023 at 5:25:07 UTC
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