Sites 38
Computes from 1 to 3.38 billion solutions with graphic display to each of the 60+ problems of different sizes and shapes. Pieces vary from pentominoes to heptominoes, sometimes in combination. Table summarizes properties and example solution of each problem. [Java required].
Enumeration on regular tilings of the Euclidean and Hyperbolic planes.
Anna Gardberg makes pentominoes out of sculpey and agate.
Rules, the solution by Alex Selby and Oliver Riordan, other resources and links. The puzzle is made up of 209 pieces of polydrafters, each one is a combination of 12-30/60/90 triangles.
Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 2 (1999), Article 99.1.8. Defines and counts horizontal convexity.
Conrad and Hartline's 1962 article on Flexagons.
Polyomino and polyform games and puzzles manufactured by Kadon Enterprises Inc.
Numerous links, sorted alphabetically.
Illustrates the 12 shapes. symmetrical combinations.
What they are, and how to find them.
Including copies of the original 1962 Conrad-Hartline papers. Abstract, html-pages, or .pdf documents.
Polyform puzzle lessons for math educators to use with their students, including polyominoes, supertangrams, and polyarcs.
Don Hatch's page on hyperbolic tesselations with numerous illustrations.
Eric Harshbarger. This puzzle maker says that the hard part was finding legos in enough different colors.
Pentomino pictures, software and other resources by Guenter Albrecht-Buehler.
Kevin Gong offers download of his polyominoes games shareware for Windows and Mac. 100 boards are included. A Java version is under development.
Polyforms (polyominoes, and polyiamonds) graphics, tables and resources (English/Czech).
Pentomino based puzzle game lets children solve and create geometric puzzles. Win32 software, try or buy.
Rujith de Silva's applet puzzle offers games of four different sized rectangles. Source code available. [Java]
English words that can be written using the pentomino name letters FILNPTUVWXYZ and other related curiosities, including a homage to Georges Perec. (English/French).
Symmetries in the families of rectangular solutions.
Expository paper by R. Bhat and A. Fletcher. Covers pre-Golomb discoveries. the triplication problem and other aspects.
B. Berchtold's applet helps tile a 6x10 rectangle. [German]
Graphics problems, solutions (including animated GIF) and links. (English/German through main page)
David Eck's graphical solver applet uses recursive technique. Source code available. [Java]
About various polyforms - polyominoes, polyiamonds, polycubes, and polyhexes.
Ed Pegg Jr.'s site has pages on tiling, packing, and related problems involving polyominos, polyiamonds, polyspheres, and related shapes.
Open source polyomino and polyform placement solitaire game.
Joseph Myer's tables of polyominoes and of polyomino tilings, in Postscript format.
K. S. Brown examines the number of polyominoes up to order 12 for various cases involving rotation or reflections. Equations linking the cases are proposed.
Describes a numerical invariant that can be used to classify polyominoes.
Karl Dahlke explains and demonstrates tiling. Includes C-program source.
A solver for arbitrary polyomino and polycube puzzles. Binary code and source downloads available.
Eric Laroche presents computer programs for generating polyominoes and polyomino tilings. Includes source codes in C, and binaries.
SOMA puzzle site with graphics, newsletter and software.
L. Alonso and R. Cert's abstract of a paper published in vol. 3 of the Elect. J. Combinatorics. Full paper available in different formats (.pdf, postscript, tex etc).
Joseph Myers and John Berglund found a polyhex that must be placed in two different ways in a tiling of a plane, such that one placement occurs twice as often as the other.
Java applet demonstres that this tetromino-packing game is a forced win for the side dealing the tetrominoes. Complete with mathematical proof. [Java]
Computes from 1 to 3.38 billion solutions with graphic display to each of the 60+ problems of different sizes and shapes. Pieces vary from pentominoes to heptominoes, sometimes in combination. Table summarizes properties and example solution of each problem. [Java required].
Open source polyomino and polyform placement solitaire game.
Polyform puzzle lessons for math educators to use with their students, including polyominoes, supertangrams, and polyarcs.
Enumeration on regular tilings of the Euclidean and Hyperbolic planes.
Joseph Myer's tables of polyominoes and of polyomino tilings, in Postscript format.
Symmetries in the families of rectangular solutions.
Don Hatch's page on hyperbolic tesselations with numerous illustrations.
English words that can be written using the pentomino name letters FILNPTUVWXYZ and other related curiosities, including a homage to Georges Perec. (English/French).
Joseph Myers and John Berglund found a polyhex that must be placed in two different ways in a tiling of a plane, such that one placement occurs twice as often as the other.
Including copies of the original 1962 Conrad-Hartline papers. Abstract, html-pages, or .pdf documents.
Rujith de Silva's applet puzzle offers games of four different sized rectangles. Source code available. [Java]
Kevin Gong offers download of his polyominoes games shareware for Windows and Mac. 100 boards are included. A Java version is under development.
Eric Laroche presents computer programs for generating polyominoes and polyomino tilings. Includes source codes in C, and binaries.
Ed Pegg Jr.'s site has pages on tiling, packing, and related problems involving polyominos, polyiamonds, polyspheres, and related shapes.
L. Alonso and R. Cert's abstract of a paper published in vol. 3 of the Elect. J. Combinatorics. Full paper available in different formats (.pdf, postscript, tex etc).
Karl Dahlke explains and demonstrates tiling. Includes C-program source.
K. S. Brown examines the number of polyominoes up to order 12 for various cases involving rotation or reflections. Equations linking the cases are proposed.
Polyforms (polyominoes, and polyiamonds) graphics, tables and resources (English/Czech).
About various polyforms - polyominoes, polyiamonds, polycubes, and polyhexes.
B. Berchtold's applet helps tile a 6x10 rectangle. [German]
Eric Harshbarger. This puzzle maker says that the hard part was finding legos in enough different colors.
Anna Gardberg makes pentominoes out of sculpey and agate.
Java applet demonstres that this tetromino-packing game is a forced win for the side dealing the tetrominoes. Complete with mathematical proof. [Java]
Illustrates the 12 shapes. symmetrical combinations.
Conrad and Hartline's 1962 article on Flexagons.
What they are, and how to find them.
Expository paper by R. Bhat and A. Fletcher. Covers pre-Golomb discoveries. the triplication problem and other aspects.
Pentomino based puzzle game lets children solve and create geometric puzzles. Win32 software, try or buy.
David Eck's graphical solver applet uses recursive technique. Source code available. [Java]
Graphics problems, solutions (including animated GIF) and links. (English/German through main page)
Rules, the solution by Alex Selby and Oliver Riordan, other resources and links. The puzzle is made up of 209 pieces of polydrafters, each one is a combination of 12-30/60/90 triangles.
Numerous links, sorted alphabetically.
Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 2 (1999), Article 99.1.8. Defines and counts horizontal convexity.
A solver for arbitrary polyomino and polycube puzzles. Binary code and source downloads available.
Pentomino pictures, software and other resources by Guenter Albrecht-Buehler.
SOMA puzzle site with graphics, newsletter and software.
Describes a numerical invariant that can be used to classify polyominoes.
Polyomino and polyform games and puzzles manufactured by Kadon Enterprises Inc.

Last update:
October 18, 2023 at 6:35:14 UTC

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