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European Consortium for Development of Fusion Energy formation, activities, research, and facilities, with conference calendar and multi-media educational presentations.
Non-profit research and educational foundation providing information on the status of fusion development.
The Fusion Group at General Atomics. Info about DIII-D Tokamak.
Osaka University. The institute uses a few facilities with powerful lasers to advance the laser fusion research in Japan.
ITER is an international project to design and build an experimental fusion reactor based on the "tokamak" concept.
Company specializes in plasma physics research with applications to controlled thermonuclear fusion. Located in Boulder, Colorado.
Leading German research center concerned with investigating the physical principles underlying a nuclear fusion power plant. Materials at this website are presented in German and English.
One of the leading university research laboratories on magnetic confinement fusion.
Fusion research at NIFS focuses on a stellarator concept. Major projects: Large Helical Device (LHD) and Compact Helical System (CHS).
The ORNL Fusion Energy Division carries out research in areas of magnetic fusion energy development.
The U.S. National Laboratory dedicated to developing fusion energy science.
Organization of educational institutions focusing on plasma science and technology for the development of an environmentally attractive energy source utilizing controlled thermonuclear fusion energy.
Laboratory hosts powerful lasers and carries out large-scale laser research including that relevant to laser fusion.
The ORNL Fusion Energy Division carries out research in areas of magnetic fusion energy development.
European Consortium for Development of Fusion Energy formation, activities, research, and facilities, with conference calendar and multi-media educational presentations.
Organization of educational institutions focusing on plasma science and technology for the development of an environmentally attractive energy source utilizing controlled thermonuclear fusion energy.
Osaka University. The institute uses a few facilities with powerful lasers to advance the laser fusion research in Japan.
Leading German research center concerned with investigating the physical principles underlying a nuclear fusion power plant. Materials at this website are presented in German and English.
Company specializes in plasma physics research with applications to controlled thermonuclear fusion. Located in Boulder, Colorado.
The U.S. National Laboratory dedicated to developing fusion energy science.
Non-profit research and educational foundation providing information on the status of fusion development.
One of the leading university research laboratories on magnetic confinement fusion.
Fusion research at NIFS focuses on a stellarator concept. Major projects: Large Helical Device (LHD) and Compact Helical System (CHS).
ITER is an international project to design and build an experimental fusion reactor based on the "tokamak" concept.
Laboratory hosts powerful lasers and carries out large-scale laser research including that relevant to laser fusion.
The Fusion Group at General Atomics. Info about DIII-D Tokamak.
Last update:
September 5, 2022 at 11:32:09 UTC
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