Although the theory of relativity has been accepted by the scientific community for nearly a century, there are other theories proposed. This category is for sites which claim to disprove the theory of relativity, or which promote alternative theories.
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Website presenting what the author claims to be experimental evidence against relativity, as well as more philosophical arguments and proposed explanations of the various experimental effects in terms of an ether theory. Includes a discussion board.
Critical examination of stellar aberration and its relativistic interpretation, followed by the author's alternative derivation based on Euclidean spacetime; by Rajan Dogra.
Link to paper (PDF) with a weak-field derivation of gravitational waves to quadrupole order in the Brans-Dicke scalar-tensor and Rosen bi-metric theories of gravity, including a comparison with general relativity. By Warren F. Davis.
Essay by James Constant arguing how Einstein's equivalence postulate should be abandoned for the study of spacelike wave phenomena and gravitation. Contains links to other essays by the author, notably about Newton's Gravitation and its relation to Riemannian geometry and to cosmology.
Essay explaining the postulates of relativity, the secret essence of time, spaces, and matter, and proposing the elimination of internal contradictions of special relativity. By Alexander Poshelaev.
A physics treatise presenting a new model of spatial dynamics, based on a little known interpretation of Einstein's equivalence principle and the fundamental conclusion that all point-energy in the universe is expanding. Demonstrates how new data such as the accelerating universe, new WMAP data and Earth-Moon-Sun orbital data concurs with the theory.
Attempt to formulate special relativity using Aristotle space-time and interpreting the relativistic boost invariance of any phenomenon which satisfies this symmetry is interpreted as an intrinsic property of this phenomenon rather than a very property of space-time itself, the theory is shown to be compatible with causal links between space-like separated events; by Bernard Chaverondier.
Alternative to relativity based on a dragged ether. Includes an exposition on the equivalence of magnetic and kinetic energy and the derivation of Planck's constant from quantum mechanics and the ether. Translation from a book in Dutch by Johan Bakker.
Presents a variety of scientific papers by the site's author and others. Subjects include the grand unified theory, light propagation, a new formulation of mechanics and, more generally, commentary and analyses of the physics and philosophy of special relativity; by Walter Babin.
A theory of everything and a mathematical formulation of a philosophy, from the basis of physical reality to self-organization, consciousness, and the future of the Universe; by M. Erk Durgun.
Introducing a "universe much smaller than the big bang", in which the multitude of galaxies turns out to be an optical illusion; includes pages inviting the reader to consider how Einstein can be disproved using the Hubble Space Telescope.
Blog about, among other things, alternative unified theories created using imagination and common sense. By "Imagineer" Jeff and friends.
Elementary Concepts of Material World (the attempt to "explain fundamental laws of nature with use of precise and clear logic only") and criticism of the Lorentz transformations; by Aleksandar Vukelja.
Introduces a new theory in relativistic physics to replace Einstein's special and general theories of relativity. Also includes the Millennium Theory of Inertia and Gravity, and a text on breaking the light speed barrier. By Joseph A. Rybczyk.
Collection of articles and online books, by Paul Marmet; topics include the death of Big Bang cosmology, how classical mechanics can explain the effects commonly attributed to relativity, how the Lorentz transformations mean that the speed of light is not the same for all inertial observers, and gravitational length contraction.
Introduces a new concept of weight which distinguishes between self-weight and acquired weight and subsequently leads to a new definition of gravity, based on the assumption that all subatomic particles have a "mass-energy field". By Elie Agur.
Presentation of a new mathematical formulation for both the Special and General Theories of Relativity, a new theory of Atomic Structure, Gravitation, and the origin and existence of the Universe. By Peter Bass.
Erik J. Lange's exposition of a mathematical proof of the falsity of a popular derivation of the Lorentz transformations.
Introduces a new unit of energy which, together with a geometric construction for matter waves, is used to derive a quantized form of Einstein's relativistic mass-energy equation; by Brian Nelson.
Short page claiming that it is the acceleration of energy within a particle that produces mass and consequently gravity; by Alfredo A. Barrera.
A new analysis of the Michelson Experiment.
Introduces a simple quantization of space and time using tetrahedrons; significant ratios in the geometry of these objects are taken as an indication that they represent different kinds of elementary particles. By William R. Olson.
Theory of gravity based on conclusions from the equivalence principle: The gravitational force is caused by the change of speed of spacetime structure, falling into a mass. By F. Stefanko.
Based on simple multiplication of dimensional factors, this theory by George James Ducas is meant to unify relativity with quantum mechanics and string theory, explaining dark energy along the way.
Thoughts by Dane Gacesa on the way that each macroscopic light source is made up of elementary light sources, on the selective sensitivity of detectors for light emitted in this way, and the consequences for relativity.
Presents the mythology of modern astronomy, as well as the gravitational theory of Huseyin Yilmaz, which eliminates black holes, the big bang, singularities, as well as the need for dark energy and dark matter; by Adrian Bjornson.
Essay explaining the postulates of relativity, the secret essence of time, spaces, and matter, and proposing the elimination of internal contradictions of special relativity. By Alexander Poshelaev.
Presents a variety of scientific papers by the site's author and others. Subjects include the grand unified theory, light propagation, a new formulation of mechanics and, more generally, commentary and analyses of the physics and philosophy of special relativity; by Walter Babin.
A physics treatise presenting a new model of spatial dynamics, based on a little known interpretation of Einstein's equivalence principle and the fundamental conclusion that all point-energy in the universe is expanding. Demonstrates how new data such as the accelerating universe, new WMAP data and Earth-Moon-Sun orbital data concurs with the theory.
Presents the mythology of modern astronomy, as well as the gravitational theory of Huseyin Yilmaz, which eliminates black holes, the big bang, singularities, as well as the need for dark energy and dark matter; by Adrian Bjornson.
Introduces a new concept of weight which distinguishes between self-weight and acquired weight and subsequently leads to a new definition of gravity, based on the assumption that all subatomic particles have a "mass-energy field". By Elie Agur.
Thoughts by Dane Gacesa on the way that each macroscopic light source is made up of elementary light sources, on the selective sensitivity of detectors for light emitted in this way, and the consequences for relativity.
Website presenting what the author claims to be experimental evidence against relativity, as well as more philosophical arguments and proposed explanations of the various experimental effects in terms of an ether theory. Includes a discussion board.
Based on simple multiplication of dimensional factors, this theory by George James Ducas is meant to unify relativity with quantum mechanics and string theory, explaining dark energy along the way.
Blog about, among other things, alternative unified theories created using imagination and common sense. By "Imagineer" Jeff and friends.
Attempt to formulate special relativity using Aristotle space-time and interpreting the relativistic boost invariance of any phenomenon which satisfies this symmetry is interpreted as an intrinsic property of this phenomenon rather than a very property of space-time itself, the theory is shown to be compatible with causal links between space-like separated events; by Bernard Chaverondier.
Link to paper (PDF) with a weak-field derivation of gravitational waves to quadrupole order in the Brans-Dicke scalar-tensor and Rosen bi-metric theories of gravity, including a comparison with general relativity. By Warren F. Davis.
Introduces a new unit of energy which, together with a geometric construction for matter waves, is used to derive a quantized form of Einstein's relativistic mass-energy equation; by Brian Nelson.
Introduces a simple quantization of space and time using tetrahedrons; significant ratios in the geometry of these objects are taken as an indication that they represent different kinds of elementary particles. By William R. Olson.
A new analysis of the Michelson Experiment.
Theory of gravity based on conclusions from the equivalence principle: The gravitational force is caused by the change of speed of spacetime structure, falling into a mass. By F. Stefanko.
A theory of everything and a mathematical formulation of a philosophy, from the basis of physical reality to self-organization, consciousness, and the future of the Universe; by M. Erk Durgun.
Collection of articles and online books, by Paul Marmet; topics include the death of Big Bang cosmology, how classical mechanics can explain the effects commonly attributed to relativity, how the Lorentz transformations mean that the speed of light is not the same for all inertial observers, and gravitational length contraction.
Presentation of a new mathematical formulation for both the Special and General Theories of Relativity, a new theory of Atomic Structure, Gravitation, and the origin and existence of the Universe. By Peter Bass.
Erik J. Lange's exposition of a mathematical proof of the falsity of a popular derivation of the Lorentz transformations.
Essay by James Constant arguing how Einstein's equivalence postulate should be abandoned for the study of spacelike wave phenomena and gravitation. Contains links to other essays by the author, notably about Newton's Gravitation and its relation to Riemannian geometry and to cosmology.
Elementary Concepts of Material World (the attempt to "explain fundamental laws of nature with use of precise and clear logic only") and criticism of the Lorentz transformations; by Aleksandar Vukelja.
Critical examination of stellar aberration and its relativistic interpretation, followed by the author's alternative derivation based on Euclidean spacetime; by Rajan Dogra.
Short page claiming that it is the acceleration of energy within a particle that produces mass and consequently gravity; by Alfredo A. Barrera.
Introduces a new theory in relativistic physics to replace Einstein's special and general theories of relativity. Also includes the Millennium Theory of Inertia and Gravity, and a text on breaking the light speed barrier. By Joseph A. Rybczyk.
Introducing a "universe much smaller than the big bang", in which the multitude of galaxies turns out to be an optical illusion; includes pages inviting the reader to consider how Einstein can be disproved using the Hubble Space Telescope.
Alternative to relativity based on a dragged ether. Includes an exposition on the equivalence of magnetic and kinetic energy and the derivation of Planck's constant from quantum mechanics and the ether. Translation from a book in Dutch by Johan Bakker.
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October 23, 2023 at 6:58:42 UTC
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