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Science Social Sciences Anthropology Cultural Anthropology
To anthropologists, culture is the complex of learned, non-genetic behavior shared by the members of a society. Cultural anthropologists document the cultures of specific societies, and/or compare different societies in order to derive general principles of cultural evolution and human adaptation. It is the emphasis on cross-cultural comparison that helps distinguish cultural anthropology from many other Western social sciences.
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Essays in cultural anthropology on the philosophy of Aesthetic Realism.
Resources for indigenous cultures around the world provided by NativeWeb.
Article by Licia Filingeri discussing the emergence of the ability to symbolize.
Online version of the series of books that include: Plenitude, Transformation, Commotion. The series offers an anthropological account of modern life by Grant McCracken.
Open content project collecting observations made by travelers on behavior in other cultures. Features project description, technical details, and contacts.
Hypertext tutorial covering descent, kinship terminology, marriage systems, and residence rules. Includes ethnographic examples.
Features mission statement, group member profiles and journal.
A directory of links to research papers that discuss general theoretical approaches and models of culture change.
A site that explores the relationship between symbols and a society's cognitive structure, rules of moral conduct and patterns of social interactions.
Includes historic texts and current anthropological works, lists and links to Trobriand Island scholars.
Includes historic texts and current anthropological works, lists and links to Trobriand Island scholars.
Features mission statement, group member profiles and journal.
Article by Licia Filingeri discussing the emergence of the ability to symbolize.
Online version of the series of books that include: Plenitude, Transformation, Commotion. The series offers an anthropological account of modern life by Grant McCracken.
Essays in cultural anthropology on the philosophy of Aesthetic Realism.
Open content project collecting observations made by travelers on behavior in other cultures. Features project description, technical details, and contacts.
Hypertext tutorial covering descent, kinship terminology, marriage systems, and residence rules. Includes ethnographic examples.
Resources for indigenous cultures around the world provided by NativeWeb.
A site that explores the relationship between symbols and a society's cognitive structure, rules of moral conduct and patterns of social interactions.
A directory of links to research papers that discuss general theoretical approaches and models of culture change.

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November 24, 2022 at 6:15:04 UTC
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