The investigation of past cultures of the Oceania region through the study and scientific analysis of material remains (i.e., osteological, artifactual, architectural, etc.).
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Genetics 2002 and PNAS 2000 Science article provide support for the Peter Ahching Theory based on Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Law as studied at University of Hawaii-Manoa.
From NBC News, pattern of ancient colonization was slower and more complex than thought.
(June 08, 2004)
Genetics 2002 and PNAS 2000 Science article provide support for the Peter Ahching Theory based on Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Law as studied at University of Hawaii-Manoa.
From NBC News, pattern of ancient colonization was slower and more complex than thought.
(June 08, 2004)

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October 15, 2023 at 5:35:13 UTC

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