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Economics and Philosophy includes topics, such as the methodology and epistemology of economics, the foundations of decision theory and game theory and the nature of rational choice in general.
Focusing on emprirical studies, site provides tables of contents and submission guidelines.
Publishes results of laboratory experiments. Tables of contents and supplementary data to selected articles.
A leading journal on game theory.
Provides articles on industrial issues defined broadly, including industrial economics and sociology, organisational dynamics, government-industry relations, comparative political economy, technological innovation, entrepreneurial development and workplace relations.
A newer journal on game theory provides abstracts of articles and full text for subscribers.
Journal devoted to game theory and its applications. It publishes original research making significant contributions from a methodological, conceptual or mathematical point of view. Contents and abstracts.
Publishes frequently on game theory, rationality, economic behavior and related topics.
A journal which publishes frequently on evolutionary game theory and related topics. Aims and scope, instructions for authors and link to online version.
Major journal on industrial organization
Publishes on economic theory including game theory, general equilibrium analysis, microeconomics.
Online resource publishes publishes reviews and short summaries of papers on the economics of network industries.
Journal devoted to game theory and its applications. It publishes original research making significant contributions from a methodological, conceptual or mathematical point of view. Contents and abstracts.
Publishes results of laboratory experiments. Tables of contents and supplementary data to selected articles.
A journal which publishes frequently on evolutionary game theory and related topics. Aims and scope, instructions for authors and link to online version.
Economics and Philosophy includes topics, such as the methodology and epistemology of economics, the foundations of decision theory and game theory and the nature of rational choice in general.
Online resource publishes publishes reviews and short summaries of papers on the economics of network industries.
Focusing on emprirical studies, site provides tables of contents and submission guidelines.
A newer journal on game theory provides abstracts of articles and full text for subscribers.
Publishes frequently on game theory, rationality, economic behavior and related topics.
A leading journal on game theory.
Provides articles on industrial issues defined broadly, including industrial economics and sociology, organisational dynamics, government-industry relations, comparative political economy, technological innovation, entrepreneurial development and workplace relations.
Major journal on industrial organization
Publishes on economic theory including game theory, general equilibrium analysis, microeconomics.
Last update:
August 8, 2021 at 13:24:09 UTC
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