Subcategories 1
Related categories 2
Sites 19
Plain text, in depth analysis of Tolkien's samples of the language, along with examples and explanations of created words and phrases.
Plain text examination of Quenya grammar.
Essays on the tongues of Arda, Tolkien's youthful invented languages, glossaries, Elvish poems by other authors, linguistic discussions, and links to further resources.
Short encyclopedia article on Tolkien's Black Speech.
An irregularly published magazine, Parma Eldalamberon, which focuses on Tolkien's languages.
An international organization devoted to the scholarly study of the invented languages of J.R.R. Tolkien.
Devoted to languages of Middle Earth. Grammars, dictionaries, essays and other resources, along with user submitted texts.
The language is a descendant of Sindarin and Quenya. The site has lessons, dictionary, alphabet, grammar and sounds.
The language guild of the Forodrim, the Stockholm Tolkien Society. Information about Tolkien's languages and writing systems.
Index of /Usenet/rec.arts.books.tolkien.
Lore book of the High Elven tongue. Verses and prose translated into Quenya with notes.
Dedicated to the fictional languages in Tolkien's legendarium.
A brief description of Quenya.
Black Speech Analysis by Craig Daniel.
A brief description of Sindarin.
On-line Sindarin search engine and downloadable PDF dictionary.
A brief description of the Tengwar script.
Usenet list on Tolkien language, with links to documents and other resources.
Focus on Quenya. Includes a rough translator and pronunciation guide, along with links to other resources.
Dedicated to the fictional languages in Tolkien's legendarium.
Index of /Usenet/rec.arts.books.tolkien.
Essays on the tongues of Arda, Tolkien's youthful invented languages, glossaries, Elvish poems by other authors, linguistic discussions, and links to further resources.
Lore book of the High Elven tongue. Verses and prose translated into Quenya with notes.
Focus on Quenya. Includes a rough translator and pronunciation guide, along with links to other resources.
Plain text, in depth analysis of Tolkien's samples of the language, along with examples and explanations of created words and phrases.
On-line Sindarin search engine and downloadable PDF dictionary.
Plain text examination of Quenya grammar.
Usenet list on Tolkien language, with links to documents and other resources.
The language is a descendant of Sindarin and Quenya. The site has lessons, dictionary, alphabet, grammar and sounds.
A brief description of Sindarin.
A brief description of the Tengwar script.
An international organization devoted to the scholarly study of the invented languages of J.R.R. Tolkien.
Black Speech Analysis by Craig Daniel.
Short encyclopedia article on Tolkien's Black Speech.
The language guild of the Forodrim, the Stockholm Tolkien Society. Information about Tolkien's languages and writing systems.
Devoted to languages of Middle Earth. Grammars, dictionaries, essays and other resources, along with user submitted texts.
An irregularly published magazine, Parma Eldalamberon, which focuses on Tolkien's languages.
A brief description of Quenya.
Other languages 1
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May 28, 2024 at 0:43:58 UTC
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