Anything related to the Papuan (or non-Austronesian) languages.
These languages are found primarily ont he island of New Guinea, but also on neighboring islands in Indonesia and the Solomon Islands. Papuan languages are not necessarily genetically related to each other but are characterized by having been established prior to the migration of Austronesian-speaking peoples.
Papuan languages often have complex grammars, especially compared to their neighboring Austronesian languages.
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Subcategories 5
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Sites 2
Classification of some of the better-known Papuan languages of Papua-New Guinea, eastern Indonesia and the Solomon Islands.
Description of and list of phyla in the Papuan languages.
Description of and list of phyla in the Papuan languages.
Classification of some of the better-known Papuan languages of Papua-New Guinea, eastern Indonesia and the Solomon Islands.

Last update:
October 17, 2023 at 6:35:12 UTC

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