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Subcategories 8

Phonologist at Rutgers University. Includes research interests, CV, and downloadable papers.
Professor emeritus in the department of linguistics at Tel Aviv University, who initially specialized in theoretical syntax, and has more recently developed a primary interest in issues at the syntax-semantic interface.
Semanticist at University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
Phonology and language variation, Stanford University.
Michigan State University - Interested in semantics and pragmatics of language. Holds a joint appointment in linguistics and philosophy.
University of Massachusetts at Amherst - A distinguished early worker on Montague Grammar, the main line of her work lies in foundational aspects of semantics and its relationship to syntax.
Lexical semantics and syntax, Stanford University.
Phonologist at UCLA. Author of several books and articles, most famously: "Hayes 1995. Metrical Stress Theory: Principles and Case Studies."
Phonologist at MIT. Specialized in Greek and Latin, as well as prosody.
Phonologist at University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Prominent with work on prosody.
Professor of Semantics in the Linguistics Department at Tel Aviv University. He has published on many topics in semantic theory. Currently, he teaches semantics and computational linguistics.
Academic website of Dr Ghil`ad Zuckermann, D.Phil. (Oxford), a linguist at the University of Cambridge, whose interests include linguistics, Israel, Hebrew, Yiddish, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish and word games.
Research results and papers in computational phonetics.
University of Arizona - Interest are syntax, lexical semantics and morphology.
Semanticist and head of the linguistics department at MIT. Includes research interests, contact information, and a list of recent publications.
Rice University-Professor of linguistics.
Brandeis University - Interests are computational linguistics, lexical semantics and language guided web analysis. Proposer of The Generative Lexicon, a very influential approach to lexical semantics.
Entry at the Dictionary of the Philosophy of Mind.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Research and teaching in general and applied phonetics, general and applied linguistics, speech technologies and spoken language resources.
Phonologist and language acquisitionist at University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
Experimental phonology and phonetics, University of California, Berkeley.
Wikipedia biography emphasizing his work on classifying the languages of Africa and the Americas.
Provides information on the work of the late linguist Ken Hale, syntactician and field linguist. Studies a great variety of previously unstudied languages.
Phonology and African languages, University of California, Berkeley.
Phonologist and language acquisitionist at MIT. One of the early proponents of constraint-based phonology.
Phonologist at Stanford University. Proposed many of the recent leading phonological theories.
Infant language perception, first language acquisition, phonology and prosody.
Home page of Petra Hendriks, professor at the Center for Language and Cognition at the University of Groningen.
Phonologist at MIT. Works on prosody.
Phonologist at University of California at Berkeley.
University of Paris 8. Research interests include phonological theory and early language acquisition.
Syntactician at MIT. Prominent in Japanese and Altaic linguistics, as well as syntactic subject positions.
University of Pennsylvania - Change in language and dialect, sociolinguistics. Principal investigator of the Phonological Atlas of North America, a massive survey of phonetic variation across the USA.
Phonology, second language acquisition and Turkish/Turkic linguistics, Indiana University.
Phonology, second language acquisition and Turkish/Turkic linguistics, Indiana University.
Experimental phonology and phonetics, University of California, Berkeley.
University of Massachusetts at Amherst - A distinguished early worker on Montague Grammar, the main line of her work lies in foundational aspects of semantics and its relationship to syntax.
Phonology and African languages, University of California, Berkeley.
Phonologist at University of California at Berkeley.
Phonologist at Rutgers University. Includes research interests, CV, and downloadable papers.
Phonologist at UCLA. Author of several books and articles, most famously: "Hayes 1995. Metrical Stress Theory: Principles and Case Studies."
Home page of Petra Hendriks, professor at the Center for Language and Cognition at the University of Groningen.
Brandeis University - Interests are computational linguistics, lexical semantics and language guided web analysis. Proposer of The Generative Lexicon, a very influential approach to lexical semantics.
Provides information on the work of the late linguist Ken Hale, syntactician and field linguist. Studies a great variety of previously unstudied languages.
Research results and papers in computational phonetics.
University of Arizona - Interest are syntax, lexical semantics and morphology.
Syntactician at MIT. Prominent in Japanese and Altaic linguistics, as well as syntactic subject positions.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Research and teaching in general and applied phonetics, general and applied linguistics, speech technologies and spoken language resources.
Phonologist and language acquisitionist at University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
Michigan State University - Interested in semantics and pragmatics of language. Holds a joint appointment in linguistics and philosophy.
University of Pennsylvania - Change in language and dialect, sociolinguistics. Principal investigator of the Phonological Atlas of North America, a massive survey of phonetic variation across the USA.
Infant language perception, first language acquisition, phonology and prosody.
Semanticist and head of the linguistics department at MIT. Includes research interests, contact information, and a list of recent publications.
Semanticist at University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
Phonologist at University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Prominent with work on prosody.
Phonologist at MIT. Specialized in Greek and Latin, as well as prosody.
Lexical semantics and syntax, Stanford University.
Phonologist at MIT. Works on prosody.
Entry at the Dictionary of the Philosophy of Mind.
Academic website of Dr Ghil`ad Zuckermann, D.Phil. (Oxford), a linguist at the University of Cambridge, whose interests include linguistics, Israel, Hebrew, Yiddish, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish and word games.
University of Paris 8. Research interests include phonological theory and early language acquisition.
Phonologist at Stanford University. Proposed many of the recent leading phonological theories.
Rice University-Professor of linguistics.
Wikipedia biography emphasizing his work on classifying the languages of Africa and the Americas.
Phonologist and language acquisitionist at MIT. One of the early proponents of constraint-based phonology.
Professor of Semantics in the Linguistics Department at Tel Aviv University. He has published on many topics in semantic theory. Currently, he teaches semantics and computational linguistics.
Phonology and language variation, Stanford University.
Professor emeritus in the department of linguistics at Tel Aviv University, who initially specialized in theoretical syntax, and has more recently developed a primary interest in issues at the syntax-semantic interface.

Other languages 3

Last update:
October 15, 2023 at 5:35:11 UTC
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