Trade Policy contains both academic and practitioner sites on the effects of trade on both domestic and international economies.
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A non-profit organization formed with the objective of strengthening the commercial ties between Brazil and Iraq. In Portuguese and English.
Academic research and briefings in the Center's main research areas, which includes trade and agricultural policy.
Export import information on India and other countries.
Essays on international economics, world trade and politics published by Jock O'Connell.
Provides data, models, and software for multi-region, applied general equilibrium analysis of global economic issues, and organizes training and conferences.
A portal for international economics and related disciplines with links to research papers, news and commentaries in the field.
An interactive on-line course teaching the fundamentals of international trade policy.
An e-text by Steven Suranovic.
Journal with peer-reviewed articles on applied economics including monetary and fiscal policies, trade and regulation, international investment, rural economics and development economics.
The website for the official government trade body in Pakistan.
The full text of the North American Free Trade Agreement (provided by Organization of American States).
Provides analytical underpinnings to support continued trade liberalisation.
Articles, and links on free trade issue from the Washington Post newspaper. (Originally posted 1998)
Official website for America's chief trade negotiator and principal advisor to the president.
Journal with peer-reviewed articles on applied economics including monetary and fiscal policies, trade and regulation, international investment, rural economics and development economics.
An interactive on-line course teaching the fundamentals of international trade policy.
A non-profit organization formed with the objective of strengthening the commercial ties between Brazil and Iraq. In Portuguese and English.
Export import information on India and other countries.
An e-text by Steven Suranovic.
Academic research and briefings in the Center's main research areas, which includes trade and agricultural policy.
Essays on international economics, world trade and politics published by Jock O'Connell.
The full text of the North American Free Trade Agreement (provided by Organization of American States).
The website for the official government trade body in Pakistan.
Articles, and links on free trade issue from the Washington Post newspaper. (Originally posted 1998)
Provides data, models, and software for multi-region, applied general equilibrium analysis of global economic issues, and organizes training and conferences.
A portal for international economics and related disciplines with links to research papers, news and commentaries in the field.
Official website for America's chief trade negotiator and principal advisor to the president.
Provides analytical underpinnings to support continued trade liberalisation.
Other languages 1
Last update:
August 6, 2023 at 8:05:03 UTC
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Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Business and Economy: Shopping: Food: Beverages: Wine
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- Recently edited by merlin1