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This category contains resources about IQ (Intelligence Quotient) test and subjects related to it.
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Fully-automated IQ tests organized by category. Items on the tests were created by professional puzzle authors.
Provides an overview of intelligence testing and the challenges faced by current researchers in this area.
Intelligence quota (I.Q.) test and quiz in one. IQ test for kids. You have 140 minutes to answer the 280 questions.
Test for a fee that takes 30-40 minutes and provides online results.
Various paid tests offered along with IQ Society membership. Also provides free puzzles and games.
Contains an IQ test about inflation, hyperinflation and questions about commodities if you survive this quiz you might survive hyperinflation.
List and rating of IQ tests available online.
Explores the issue of logic and logical thinking, its foundations and features, and tests your logical thinking in a couple of tests and quizzes.
A website containing an IQ test made of 20 questions, 5 in each page.
This website offers an IQ test for those interested in measuring some of their intelligence. The test contains 20 questions of multiple choices.
Calculate your IQ with 10 questions English, Spanish and French.
Iq tests non verbal and culture faire with iq score and free samples ...based on Raven's matrices intelligence competition internet services
Free test with information on intelligence testing and history thereof. Additional detailed reports are available for a fee.
Various professionally designed online IQ tests.
Quick IQ test consisting of 15 questions.
You have 13 minutes to answer to 38 statements (true or false are the possible answers).
PhD certified IQ test as well as aptitude & other self-assessment tests.
Individual tests for children not requiring use of language. Especially suited for children with problems in the areas of language and verbal communication. Norms available for ages 2 to 17.
Fully-automated IQ tests organized by category. Items on the tests were created by professional puzzle authors.
Test for a fee that takes 30-40 minutes and provides online results.
Provides an overview of intelligence testing and the challenges faced by current researchers in this area.
Various professionally designed online IQ tests.
This website offers an IQ test for those interested in measuring some of their intelligence. The test contains 20 questions of multiple choices.
You have 13 minutes to answer to 38 statements (true or false are the possible answers).
PhD certified IQ test as well as aptitude & other self-assessment tests.
Contains an IQ test about inflation, hyperinflation and questions about commodities if you survive this quiz you might survive hyperinflation.
Explores the issue of logic and logical thinking, its foundations and features, and tests your logical thinking in a couple of tests and quizzes.
A website containing an IQ test made of 20 questions, 5 in each page.
Quick IQ test consisting of 15 questions.
Calculate your IQ with 10 questions English, Spanish and French.
Various paid tests offered along with IQ Society membership. Also provides free puzzles and games.
Intelligence quota (I.Q.) test and quiz in one. IQ test for kids. You have 140 minutes to answer the 280 questions.
List and rating of IQ tests available online.
Iq tests non verbal and culture faire with iq score and free samples ...based on Raven's matrices intelligence competition internet services
Individual tests for children not requiring use of language. Especially suited for children with problems in the areas of language and verbal communication. Norms available for ages 2 to 17.
Free test with information on intelligence testing and history thereof. Additional detailed reports are available for a fee.
Last update:
October 15, 2023 at 5:55:07 UTC
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