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Synaesthesia is a neurological condition in which a person simultaneously perceives sensory stimuli in a second, or even third sense. Synaesthetes may see music, or taste colors. This category is for any and all information pertaining to synaesthesia.
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Arranges meetings and provides means for the people who experience and/or study synesthesia to be in contact with each other.
Exploring the art and mind connection: sources on Synaesthesia and the Arts, research on the future of the senses. Homepage of the Belgian Synaesthesia Association.
Cassidy Curtis describes how his colored letters and words look to him.
Christian Liljeberg's description of his colored numbers, letters and time units.
A few articles about synesthesia. A part of's "Synthetic Synesthesia" section.
Pioneering neurologist and author Richard Cytowic, MD explains brain basis of colored hearing and other "joined senses."
Article in Medical Study News about research showing that psychic powers that enable people to see auras might be synaesthesia. (October 18, 2004)
Article in ScienceDaily Magazine about research on synaesthesia at the University of Melbourne, Australia. (April 16, 2002)
Transcript from the Australian science program Catalyst about synaesthesia. (April 11, 2002)
An article from the BBC about a video game, inspired by the artist Kandinsky, aiming to stimulate the senses. (March 01, 2002)
An article about the TV show. Synaesthetes tell us about their experiences. There is also a video clip where synaesthete Carol Crane describes what music feels like. (January 14, 2002)
Article from the New York Times. (April 10, 2001)
Article by Siri Carpenter in Monitor of Psychology. Researchers are coming closer to understanding what drives synesthesia. (March 01, 2001)
An article by CNN about synesthesia. (November 25, 1995)
Exploring the art and mind connection: sources on Synaesthesia and the Arts, research on the future of the senses. Homepage of the Belgian Synaesthesia Association.
A few articles about synesthesia. A part of's "Synthetic Synesthesia" section.
Cassidy Curtis describes how his colored letters and words look to him.
Arranges meetings and provides means for the people who experience and/or study synesthesia to be in contact with each other.
Pioneering neurologist and author Richard Cytowic, MD explains brain basis of colored hearing and other "joined senses."
Christian Liljeberg's description of his colored numbers, letters and time units.
Article in Medical Study News about research showing that psychic powers that enable people to see auras might be synaesthesia. (October 18, 2004)
Article in ScienceDaily Magazine about research on synaesthesia at the University of Melbourne, Australia. (April 16, 2002)
Transcript from the Australian science program Catalyst about synaesthesia. (April 11, 2002)
An article from the BBC about a video game, inspired by the artist Kandinsky, aiming to stimulate the senses. (March 01, 2002)
An article about the TV show. Synaesthetes tell us about their experiences. There is also a video clip where synaesthete Carol Crane describes what music feels like. (January 14, 2002)
Article from the New York Times. (April 10, 2001)
Article by Siri Carpenter in Monitor of Psychology. Researchers are coming closer to understanding what drives synesthesia. (March 01, 2001)
An article by CNN about synesthesia. (November 25, 1995)

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