The academic papers in this category include articles, thesis, dissertations and so forth, but not abstracts, that are available to read immediately via the internet.
Normally a link will bring the reader to a specific paper however collections of papers on specific topics or perspectives or by specific authors may also be linked. All items in this category are written from a sociological perspective, deal with an empirical or theoretical issue and follow standard academic conventions for discourse and citations.
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A collection of papers by Agner Fog on "cultural selection" including how it differs to sociology. Sample chapters from the book, Cultural Selection, are also linked.
An excerpt from the preface to Eli Siegel's major text, "Self and World: An Explanation of Aesthetic Realism".
Assorted by Howard S. Becker (Sociology, UC Santa Barbara, USA) that, in his own words, "[are made available here] primarily to make things I've written and published in obscure places available to anyone who wants them."
A resource of reports and publications made by a team of Thai and U.S. researchers conducting an on-going investigation into the impact of AIDS on older people since 1998.
A resource of reports showing recent social, demographic, political and communication technology changes in the world as a whole and for developed and less developed sections.
An article by Udo Kelle (University of Vechta) providing an overview of the important methodological discussions surrounding the basic questions of mixed (qualitative and quantitative) method designs in sociology.
Offers working papers organized chronologically.
A resource of reports and publications made by a team of Thai and U.S. researchers conducting an on-going investigation into the impact of AIDS on older people since 1998.
Assorted by Howard S. Becker (Sociology, UC Santa Barbara, USA) that, in his own words, "[are made available here] primarily to make things I've written and published in obscure places available to anyone who wants them."
Offers working papers organized chronologically.
An excerpt from the preface to Eli Siegel's major text, "Self and World: An Explanation of Aesthetic Realism".
A collection of papers by Agner Fog on "cultural selection" including how it differs to sociology. Sample chapters from the book, Cultural Selection, are also linked.
A resource of reports showing recent social, demographic, political and communication technology changes in the world as a whole and for developed and less developed sections.
An article by Udo Kelle (University of Vechta) providing an overview of the important methodological discussions surrounding the basic questions of mixed (qualitative and quantitative) method designs in sociology.

Last update:
August 17, 2021 at 5:25:08 UTC

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