This category is about specific nuclear power plants. It includes commercial and technical information about plant design, capacity and operation.
A nuclear power plant uses the thermal energy produced in the reactor core to produce steam at high pressure. The steam drives a turbine, which spins a generator to produce electrical power.
Most of the nuclear reactors worldwide use light water as coolant and neutron moderator; they are called Light Water Reactor (LWR). In some reactors however, the coolant fluid is heavy water, gas (carbon dioxide) or liquid metal (sodium, potassium).
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A nuclear power plant uses the thermal energy produced in the reactor core to produce steam at high pressure. The steam drives a turbine, which spins a generator to produce electrical power.
Most of the nuclear reactors worldwide use light water as coolant and neutron moderator; they are called Light Water Reactor (LWR). In some reactors however, the coolant fluid is heavy water, gas (carbon dioxide) or liquid metal (sodium, potassium).
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Sites 12
Providing information about the D.C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant along Lake Michigan's eastern shoreline.
Pictures of Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant located near San Luis Obispo, California. Unofficial site not sponsored by PG and E, featuring plant photos taken by a DCPP employee.
Operates ten nuclear units at eight plant sites. Provide general information about the utilities, the company and the technology.
Illustrated tutorial about nuclear-powered electricity generation plants, with photos and animations.
RBMK-1500 water-cooled graphite-moderated power plant located in Lithuania. Includes plant data and background information.
Maine Yankee, Maine's only nuclear power plant, closed in 1997 and is now beginning the process of decommissioning. It is located on Montsweag Bay in Wiscasset, Maine.
NPCIL is an undertaking of the government of India, and has several nuclear power plants under construction.
Interactive online demonstration: Play the role of a control-room operator at Sweden's Kärnobyl nuclear power plant, and try to keep the reactor running safely under various failure scenarios.
A nuclear power plant simulator game written in Flash 4. Learn the basics of how a nuclear power plant works and try your hand at operating the simulator.
Sharing information about news, jobs, careers, technology, and companies in the nuclear power industry. Provides an open forum for industry professionals to easily connect with nuclear plant personnel, suppliers, recruiters, or anybody in the industry.
A site by nuclear power plant workers, for nuclear power plant workers. Lots of information here that will be of interest to people in the industry.
Two unit plant along the Colorado River near Bay City, Texas, which produces 2,500 megawatts of power.
Pictures of Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant located near San Luis Obispo, California. Unofficial site not sponsored by PG and E, featuring plant photos taken by a DCPP employee.
Sharing information about news, jobs, careers, technology, and companies in the nuclear power industry. Provides an open forum for industry professionals to easily connect with nuclear plant personnel, suppliers, recruiters, or anybody in the industry.
NPCIL is an undertaking of the government of India, and has several nuclear power plants under construction.
Operates ten nuclear units at eight plant sites. Provide general information about the utilities, the company and the technology.
Providing information about the D.C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant along Lake Michigan's eastern shoreline.
A site by nuclear power plant workers, for nuclear power plant workers. Lots of information here that will be of interest to people in the industry.
RBMK-1500 water-cooled graphite-moderated power plant located in Lithuania. Includes plant data and background information.
Maine Yankee, Maine's only nuclear power plant, closed in 1997 and is now beginning the process of decommissioning. It is located on Montsweag Bay in Wiscasset, Maine.
Interactive online demonstration: Play the role of a control-room operator at Sweden's Kärnobyl nuclear power plant, and try to keep the reactor running safely under various failure scenarios.
Two unit plant along the Colorado River near Bay City, Texas, which produces 2,500 megawatts of power.
A nuclear power plant simulator game written in Flash 4. Learn the basics of how a nuclear power plant works and try your hand at operating the simulator.
Illustrated tutorial about nuclear-powered electricity generation plants, with photos and animations.
Other languages 2

Last update:
August 17, 2021 at 6:05:15 UTC

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