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The art of egg decorating requires a wide variety of supplies. Empty eggshells, braid, cord, beads, glue, cutting and carving tools, egg dust ventilation equipment, marking tools, filagrees, music boxes, jewels, brushes, paint, wax, glazes and miniatures are only a few. This category will list sites offering these types of supplies and accessories.
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Extensive line of products includes miniatures, braids and trims, lighted bases, electric music boxes, corian bases, cutting boxes, and air tools.
Offers supplies and accessories. Also beginner's, intermediate, and advanced kits.
Stock products to decorate eggs. Stands, filigrees, braids, fused pearls, clocks, glues, and glitter.
Supplier of eggshell carving and pysanky supplies, with a variety of glitters, stands, filagres and shells and most anything required for the art of eggery.
Provides kits for making the cut and beaded designs pictured in their gallery as well as clocks, figures, filigrees, flowers, stands, and transfers.
Offering a full line of egging products. Kits are available along with details on egg shows and retreats. Also new items and sale items page.
Blown, sanded, and disinfected goose shells suitable for egg craft. Choose from five different sizes.
Supplies such as stands, silks, prints, miniatures. Ready-made creations range from ostrich to finch. Also offers jewelry pieces from small variety shells.
Manufacturer and retail supplier of Pysanka decorating supplies. Dyes, wax, instructions, and kistka.
Providing drop-pull tools for wax art in both electric and traditional styles, replacement tips, dyes and kits.
Stock products to decorate eggs. Stands, filigrees, braids, fused pearls, clocks, glues, and glitter.
Manufacturer and retail supplier of Pysanka decorating supplies. Dyes, wax, instructions, and kistka.
Providing drop-pull tools for wax art in both electric and traditional styles, replacement tips, dyes and kits.
Supplies such as stands, silks, prints, miniatures. Ready-made creations range from ostrich to finch. Also offers jewelry pieces from small variety shells.
Offering a full line of egging products. Kits are available along with details on egg shows and retreats. Also new items and sale items page.
Supplier of eggshell carving and pysanky supplies, with a variety of glitters, stands, filagres and shells and most anything required for the art of eggery.
Provides kits for making the cut and beaded designs pictured in their gallery as well as clocks, figures, filigrees, flowers, stands, and transfers.
Offers supplies and accessories. Also beginner's, intermediate, and advanced kits.
Extensive line of products includes miniatures, braids and trims, lighted bases, electric music boxes, corian bases, cutting boxes, and air tools.
Blown, sanded, and disinfected goose shells suitable for egg craft. Choose from five different sizes.
Last update:
September 25, 2021 at 19:15:14 UTC
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