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Lockhart, Texas. Pecan meal, in-shell, halves, pieces, and flavored pecans.
Union Springs, Alabama. Halves, pieces, in-shell, pecan meal, and flavored pecans.
Allen, Texas. Offers sweet and spicy flavored Killer pecans.
Texas in-shell, cracked, shelled, and candied pecans. Also offer shellers, honey butter, and pecan oil.
Crenshaw, Mississippi. Has halves, pieces, flavored, candies, and baked goods.
Camilla, Georgia. Sells in shell, shelled, and candied pecans during the harvest season only.
Offers cracked and whole pecans, halves, pieces, and nut crackers. Hondo, Texas.
Ada, Oklahoma. Halves, cracked, pieces, flavored pecans, candies, and other food products.
Missouri. Halves, in-shell, cracked pecans, and other food products.
Gift bags, tins or baskets of natural or flavored halves. Boxes of pieces, halves, or in-shell whole or cracked pecans. New Iberia, Louisiana.
Mount Olive, North Carolina. Whole, cracked, pieces, and pecan halves, plus other nuts.
Sells candied, gift-boxed, cracked and halved pecans. Also sells rubs and seasonings and bakery goods.
Louisiana pecans available shelled or in seven candied flavors packaged in gift bags and tins.
Offers fresh shelled or in-shell pecans from southwest Georgia, shipped in November and December.
Cuero, Texas. Has in-shell, cracked, halves, pieces, pecan meal, flavored pecans, pecan oil, baked good, and other food products.
Fort Davis, Texas. Providing dry roasted and hand coated pecans and pecan gifts.
Gourmet pecans, pecan candies and gifts. Also includes recipes.
Metter, Georgia. Has in-shell pecans, halves, and pieces.
Comanche, Texas. Focus is on pecan products, but also offers cashews, peanuts, and walnuts.
North Carolina. Offers halves, flavored pecans, and brittle, plus other food products.
Vienna, Georgia. In-shell, halves, pieces, flavored pecans, peanuts, other nuts, and Vidalia onion products.
Blackwell, Arkansas. Shelled, whole, and cracked pecans.
Anna, Texas. Offers, shelled, cracked, candied, and whole pecans.
Offers whole and shelled pecans, candied pecan tins and gifts, pralines, brittle, and other food items.
Fort Valley, Georgia. In-shell, halves, pieces, roasted and salted, flavored pecans, pralines, and patties.
Santo, Texas. Halves, pieces, pecan and peanut brittle and other candy, snacks, cakes, pies, pecan oil, and nutcrackers.
Cameron, South Carolina. Halves, pieces, flavored pecans, meal, other nuts, candies, baked goods, and ham.
Columbia, Alabama. Halves, roasted, and flavored pecans.
Offers, shelled halves and pieces, whole, flavored, and cracked pecans, plus baked goods, pecan preserves and toppings, candies, and gifts.
Powell, Texas. Pieces, halves, flavored pecans, pecan oil, other nuts, candies, and elderberry juice concentrate.
Grandview, Texas. Offers shelled, cracked, and whole pecans by the pound.
Visalia, California. Sells large boxes of halves and pieces.
Madill, Oklahoma. In-shell, cracked, halves, flavored pecans, and pecan oil.
Mississippi pecans, gift packs, and assortments.
Pensacola, Florida. Pecans, selected other nuts, and related gifts. Includes store gallery, testimonials, recipes, and product facts.
Paola, Kansas. Offers shelled and cracked pecans.
Williams, California. Offers in-shell, halves, and cracked pecans.
Camden, Alabama. Halves, pieces, in-shell, roasted, and flavored pecans.
Willcox, Arizona. Offers in-shell and cracked pecans.
Granbury, Texas. In-shell, halves, pieces, roasted, and flavored pecans. Also have cashews.
Ray City, Georgia. Offers halves, pieces, and flavored pecans.
Louisville, Alabama. Offers in-shell, halves, pieces, pecan meal, flavored, roasted, pecan tarts, pralines, and pecan logs.
Lake Balboa, California. Has halves, pieces, and candied pecans.
Weston, Georgia. Pieces, in-shell, halves, flavored, and pecan based candies.
From Texas, whole or cracked in-shell, halves, pieces, and flavored or chocolate-covered.
Nevada, Missouri. Offers organic and conventional pecan halves and pieces.
Holly Hill, South Carolina. Offers several varieties of flavored pecans.
Cloutierville, Louisiana. In-shell, cracked, halves, pieces, pecan meal, roasted pecans, flavored, pralines, and pecan log.
Las Cruces, New Mexico. Halves, in shell, pieces, roasted and salted pecans, flavored, and pistacios.
Athens, Georgia. Halves, cracked, in-shell, pieces, flavored pecans, and pecan brittle.
San Saba, Texas. Offers whole, cracked, shelled, and flavored pecans, plus candies, pecan oil, and other food products.
Orangeburg, South Carolina. Shelled halves, peanuts, peanut brittle for gifts and for fund raisers.
Albany, Georgia. Offers halves, pieces, flavored pecans, candies, other nuts, and dried fruit.
Seguin, Texas. Offers whole and shelled pecans in several sizes of bags.
Offers whole, cracked, shelled, and flavored pecans, plus pecan oil, pecan pies, pralines, and honey butters.
Bastrop, Texas. Offers halves, pieces, and whole pecans.
Corsicana, Texas. Offers in-shell, pieces, halves, pecan meal, flavored, pecan oil, and other nuts.
Wichita Falls, Texas. Has cracked and whole pecans, fudge, and candy-coated pecans.
Offering shelled and unshelled Texas native pecans, as well as nutritional information and tips.
Fresh pecans, gift items, and nutcrackers. Also offers products for fundraising.
Offers halves, in-shell, roasted, flavored, and pecan candies.
Camilla, Georgia. In-shell, halves, pieces, candied pecans, pecan brittle, jellies, and syrups.
Alexandria, Louisiana. Offers several varietes of flavored pecans, pecan oil, and mayhew and pecan pepper jelly.
Junction, Texas.Offers a selection that includes jams, jellies, pecan pies and oil and salsa. Contains information about pecans and restaurant menu.
Glynn, Louisiana. Has halves, in-shell, and flavored pecans.
Schulenburg, Texas. Offers halves, candied pecans, brittle, pralines, and pecan pie.
Fort Deposit, Alabama. Offers roasted and salted halves, candies, pecan pies, unshelled pecans, and gift baskets.
Paola, Kansas. Has halves and cracked pecans, plus black walnut pieces.
Hearne, Texas. In-shell, halves, pieces, cracked, pecan meal, and flavored pecans.
Texas pecans grown without chemical fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides. Offering shelled halves of improved varieties.
Offers native and paper shell halves and pieces, candy coated halves, and roasted and salted halves. Crockett, Texas.
Caldwell, Texas. Shelled halves or pieces, in-shell, custom-cracked, packed in boxes or burlap bags.
Waco, Texas. Including nuts, party mixes, relish and syrup, and fruit preserves. Offers store history, and wholesale information.
Offers halves, pieces, flavored pecans, pecan oil, and pecan honey butter.
Glennville, Georgia. Has pieces, halves, and flavored pecans.
Monticello, Florida. In-shell, halves, flavored, pecan meal, pralines, and pecan meal.
Dothan, Alabama. In-shell, cracked, halves, pieces, flavored, pecan meal, and peanuts.
Comanche, Texas. Halves, pieces, and flavored pecans.
Valdosta, Georgia. Has in-shell, halves, pieces, pecan meal, flavored, other nuts, and other food products.
Campbell, Texas. Whole, pieces, halves, and flavored pecans.
Growers of Texas Western Schley and Wichita pecans, offering shelled and whole pecans.
Sells plain and candied nuts, condiments and preserves.
Fabens, Texas. Shelled or in-shell, plus roasted and salted or praline flavored, in packages from 2 to 30 pounds.
Decatur, Alabama. Plain, roasted, and candied pecans, as well as pies, coffee and other pecan related desserts and merchandise.
Dallas, Texas. Halves, in-shell, pieces, and flavored pecans, many other nuts, candies, and chocolate.
Sunnyvale ,Texas pecan orchard offering bags of whole or cracked nuts.
Montgomery, Alabama. Halves, roasted, and flavored pecans.
Chillicothe, Texas. Offers whole, shelled, flavored, and candied pecans.
Shawnee, Oklahoma. Has halves, pieces, flavored pecans, candies, peanuts, and other nuts.
Troy, Alabama. Has a variety of pecan products including in-shell, shelled halves, and pieces as well as a selection of pecan candies and gift packages.
Montgomery, Alabama. Cracked, in-shell, halves, pieces, candied pecans, and roasted pecans.
Elgin, Texas. Has halves, flavored pecans, trail mix, pecan oils, and pecan wood chunks.
Forman, Arkansas. Has halves, pieces, and roasted pecans.
Florence, South Carolina. Pecan halves, candies, and baked goods in a variety of containers.
Athens, Georgia. Halves, cracked, in-shell, pieces, flavored pecans, and pecan brittle.
From Texas, whole or cracked in-shell, halves, pieces, and flavored or chocolate-covered.
Offers whole and shelled pecans, candied pecan tins and gifts, pralines, brittle, and other food items.
Elgin, Texas. Has halves, flavored pecans, trail mix, pecan oils, and pecan wood chunks.
Sells candied, gift-boxed, cracked and halved pecans. Also sells rubs and seasonings and bakery goods.
Sells plain and candied nuts, condiments and preserves.
Offers halves, pieces, flavored pecans, pecan oil, and pecan honey butter.
Lockhart, Texas. Pecan meal, in-shell, halves, pieces, and flavored pecans.
Missouri. Halves, in-shell, cracked pecans, and other food products.
Valdosta, Georgia. Has in-shell, halves, pieces, pecan meal, flavored, other nuts, and other food products.
Junction, Texas.Offers a selection that includes jams, jellies, pecan pies and oil and salsa. Contains information about pecans and restaurant menu.
Glennville, Georgia. Has pieces, halves, and flavored pecans.
Camden, Alabama. Halves, pieces, in-shell, roasted, and flavored pecans.
Willcox, Arizona. Offers in-shell and cracked pecans.
Nevada, Missouri. Offers organic and conventional pecan halves and pieces.
Camilla, Georgia. Sells in shell, shelled, and candied pecans during the harvest season only.
Comanche, Texas. Focus is on pecan products, but also offers cashews, peanuts, and walnuts.
Montgomery, Alabama. Halves, roasted, and flavored pecans.
Paola, Kansas. Has halves and cracked pecans, plus black walnut pieces.
Dothan, Alabama. In-shell, cracked, halves, pieces, flavored, pecan meal, and peanuts.
Ada, Oklahoma. Halves, cracked, pieces, flavored pecans, candies, and other food products.
Caldwell, Texas. Shelled halves or pieces, in-shell, custom-cracked, packed in boxes or burlap bags.
Shawnee, Oklahoma. Has halves, pieces, flavored pecans, candies, peanuts, and other nuts.
Ray City, Georgia. Offers halves, pieces, and flavored pecans.
Cameron, South Carolina. Halves, pieces, flavored pecans, meal, other nuts, candies, baked goods, and ham.
Decatur, Alabama. Plain, roasted, and candied pecans, as well as pies, coffee and other pecan related desserts and merchandise.
Blackwell, Arkansas. Shelled, whole, and cracked pecans.
Paola, Kansas. Offers shelled and cracked pecans.
Troy, Alabama. Has a variety of pecan products including in-shell, shelled halves, and pieces as well as a selection of pecan candies and gift packages.
North Carolina. Offers halves, flavored pecans, and brittle, plus other food products.
Campbell, Texas. Whole, pieces, halves, and flavored pecans.
Louisville, Alabama. Offers in-shell, halves, pieces, pecan meal, flavored, roasted, pecan tarts, pralines, and pecan logs.
Union Springs, Alabama. Halves, pieces, in-shell, pecan meal, and flavored pecans.
Glynn, Louisiana. Has halves, in-shell, and flavored pecans.
Pensacola, Florida. Pecans, selected other nuts, and related gifts. Includes store gallery, testimonials, recipes, and product facts.
Mount Olive, North Carolina. Whole, cracked, pieces, and pecan halves, plus other nuts.
Crenshaw, Mississippi. Has halves, pieces, flavored, candies, and baked goods.
Montgomery, Alabama. Cracked, in-shell, halves, pieces, candied pecans, and roasted pecans.
Fort Deposit, Alabama. Offers roasted and salted halves, candies, pecan pies, unshelled pecans, and gift baskets.
Forman, Arkansas. Has halves, pieces, and roasted pecans.
Williams, California. Offers in-shell, halves, and cracked pecans.
Holly Hill, South Carolina. Offers several varieties of flavored pecans.
Columbia, Alabama. Halves, roasted, and flavored pecans.
Waco, Texas. Including nuts, party mixes, relish and syrup, and fruit preserves. Offers store history, and wholesale information.
Albany, Georgia. Offers halves, pieces, flavored pecans, candies, other nuts, and dried fruit.
Monticello, Florida. In-shell, halves, flavored, pecan meal, pralines, and pecan meal.
Fabens, Texas. Shelled or in-shell, plus roasted and salted or praline flavored, in packages from 2 to 30 pounds.
Visalia, California. Sells large boxes of halves and pieces.
Madill, Oklahoma. In-shell, cracked, halves, flavored pecans, and pecan oil.
Orangeburg, South Carolina. Shelled halves, peanuts, peanut brittle for gifts and for fund raisers.
Offers halves, in-shell, roasted, flavored, and pecan candies.
Florence, South Carolina. Pecan halves, candies, and baked goods in a variety of containers.
Granbury, Texas. In-shell, halves, pieces, roasted, and flavored pecans. Also have cashews.
Las Cruces, New Mexico. Halves, in shell, pieces, roasted and salted pecans, flavored, and pistacios.
Corsicana, Texas. Offers in-shell, pieces, halves, pecan meal, flavored, pecan oil, and other nuts.
Alexandria, Louisiana. Offers several varietes of flavored pecans, pecan oil, and mayhew and pecan pepper jelly.
Fort Valley, Georgia. In-shell, halves, pieces, roasted and salted, flavored pecans, pralines, and patties.
Powell, Texas. Pieces, halves, flavored pecans, pecan oil, other nuts, candies, and elderberry juice concentrate.
Cuero, Texas. Has in-shell, cracked, halves, pieces, pecan meal, flavored pecans, pecan oil, baked good, and other food products.
Dallas, Texas. Halves, in-shell, pieces, and flavored pecans, many other nuts, candies, and chocolate.
Weston, Georgia. Pieces, in-shell, halves, flavored, and pecan based candies.
Allen, Texas. Offers sweet and spicy flavored Killer pecans.
Camilla, Georgia. In-shell, halves, pieces, candied pecans, pecan brittle, jellies, and syrups.
Hearne, Texas. In-shell, halves, pieces, cracked, pecan meal, and flavored pecans.
Gift bags, tins or baskets of natural or flavored halves. Boxes of pieces, halves, or in-shell whole or cracked pecans. New Iberia, Louisiana.
Metter, Georgia. Has in-shell pecans, halves, and pieces.
Vienna, Georgia. In-shell, halves, pieces, flavored pecans, peanuts, other nuts, and Vidalia onion products.
Cloutierville, Louisiana. In-shell, cracked, halves, pieces, pecan meal, roasted pecans, flavored, pralines, and pecan log.
Lake Balboa, California. Has halves, pieces, and candied pecans.
Santo, Texas. Halves, pieces, pecan and peanut brittle and other candy, snacks, cakes, pies, pecan oil, and nutcrackers.
Offers whole, cracked, shelled, and flavored pecans, plus pecan oil, pecan pies, pralines, and honey butters.
Comanche, Texas. Halves, pieces, and flavored pecans.
Schulenburg, Texas. Offers halves, candied pecans, brittle, pralines, and pecan pie.
Offers fresh shelled or in-shell pecans from southwest Georgia, shipped in November and December.
Wichita Falls, Texas. Has cracked and whole pecans, fudge, and candy-coated pecans.
Offering shelled and unshelled Texas native pecans, as well as nutritional information and tips.
Grandview, Texas. Offers shelled, cracked, and whole pecans by the pound.
Sunnyvale ,Texas pecan orchard offering bags of whole or cracked nuts.
Offers, shelled halves and pieces, whole, flavored, and cracked pecans, plus baked goods, pecan preserves and toppings, candies, and gifts.
San Saba, Texas. Offers whole, cracked, shelled, and flavored pecans, plus candies, pecan oil, and other food products.
Texas pecans grown without chemical fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides. Offering shelled halves of improved varieties.
Bastrop, Texas. Offers halves, pieces, and whole pecans.
Texas in-shell, cracked, shelled, and candied pecans. Also offer shellers, honey butter, and pecan oil.
Louisiana pecans available shelled or in seven candied flavors packaged in gift bags and tins.
Growers of Texas Western Schley and Wichita pecans, offering shelled and whole pecans.
Gourmet pecans, pecan candies and gifts. Also includes recipes.
Seguin, Texas. Offers whole and shelled pecans in several sizes of bags.
Fort Davis, Texas. Providing dry roasted and hand coated pecans and pecan gifts.
Anna, Texas. Offers, shelled, cracked, candied, and whole pecans.
Chillicothe, Texas. Offers whole, shelled, flavored, and candied pecans.
Offers cracked and whole pecans, halves, pieces, and nut crackers. Hondo, Texas.
Fresh pecans, gift items, and nutcrackers. Also offers products for fundraising.
Offers native and paper shell halves and pieces, candy coated halves, and roasted and salted halves. Crockett, Texas.
Mississippi pecans, gift packs, and assortments.
Last update:
January 18, 2024 at 6:55:09 UTC
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