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Listing of companies and individuals whose principal activity is the supply of goods to equine dentists and technicians.
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Webshop offering a variety of equine dental products and farriery tools. The company trades from the USA.
UK manufacturer of equine dental equipment.
A manufacturer and retailer offering a range of products including manual and motorised equine dental files. Based in Victoria, Australia.
Manufacturer and supplier of instruments, software, and videos. Includes details of courses in several states. Based in Reno, Nevada, USA.
Manufacturer of equine dental instruments suited for modern dentistry techniques. Includes an online store.
Closeouts and specials. Provides information on equine dentistry and links to other equine dental sites.
Suppliers of equine dentistry products based in Chateaubourg, France. Manual and motorised equipment is among the products offered.
Suppliers of equipment for use in veterinary dentistry. Illustrated uses, technical information and contact details. Alberta, Canada.
Selling burrs, handheld files, and blades, with illustrated catalog and testimonials. Minden, Nevada, USA.
Instrument manufacturer provides an international directory of schools, practitioners, and associations, as well as details of a training course in Idaho, USA.
UK manufacturer of equine dental equipment.
Webshop offering a variety of equine dental products and farriery tools. The company trades from the USA.
Manufacturer of equine dental instruments suited for modern dentistry techniques. Includes an online store.
Selling burrs, handheld files, and blades, with illustrated catalog and testimonials. Minden, Nevada, USA.
Closeouts and specials. Provides information on equine dentistry and links to other equine dental sites.
Instrument manufacturer provides an international directory of schools, practitioners, and associations, as well as details of a training course in Idaho, USA.
Suppliers of equine dentistry products based in Chateaubourg, France. Manual and motorised equipment is among the products offered.
A manufacturer and retailer offering a range of products including manual and motorised equine dental files. Based in Victoria, Australia.
Manufacturer and supplier of instruments, software, and videos. Includes details of courses in several states. Based in Reno, Nevada, USA.
Suppliers of equipment for use in veterinary dentistry. Illustrated uses, technical information and contact details. Alberta, Canada.
Last update:
January 30, 2020 at 6:15:06 UTC
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