Sites on how computers can help people with disabilities and sites on assisting people with disabilities to use computers.
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Sites 5
A UK based charity helping disabled adults and children use computers and the internet by adapting and adjusting their technology. Includes details of their London assessment centre.
A group of IT and assistive technology companies working to create and harmonize standards for accessible technology. Background information, list of members, news, and resources.
Resources and services on the use of computer technology for people with disabilities.
Experts say there has been little progress in providing accessible Web sites and software that are usable by the 1.3 million blind Americans who don't get to experience the full richness of the Internet and the world of personal computing.
A free and open-source screen reader for MS Windows. Includes download details and support.
A group of IT and assistive technology companies working to create and harmonize standards for accessible technology. Background information, list of members, news, and resources.
A free and open-source screen reader for MS Windows. Includes download details and support.
Experts say there has been little progress in providing accessible Web sites and software that are usable by the 1.3 million blind Americans who don't get to experience the full richness of the Internet and the world of personal computing.
A UK based charity helping disabled adults and children use computers and the internet by adapting and adjusting their technology. Includes details of their London assessment centre.
Resources and services on the use of computer technology for people with disabilities.
Other languages 2
Last update:
September 22, 2020 at 17:15:05 UTC
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- Recently edited by merlin1