This category contains web sites related to organized Armenian communities outside Armenia, living as ethnic minorities in various parts of the world.
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Sites 7
Written by Dr. Arra S. Avakian, presents information about the Armenian people, history, significant events, important places and individuals. Includes description, excerpts and ordering information.
Calendar for world wide Armenian events.
Articles related to Armenia and Armenians. Includes information on the Diaspora and Karabakh.
Includes information on the community life of Abu-Dhabi Armenians.
Information on the Great Ararat mountain and a day-by-day log of the climb towards its summit by Vasken Knouni.
A publication from Moscow. Offers brief reports on local and pan-Armenian events and articles.
Offers music links, web site reviews, information for travelers, forum, free e-mail accounts, news and links.
Written by Dr. Arra S. Avakian, presents information about the Armenian people, history, significant events, important places and individuals. Includes description, excerpts and ordering information.
Includes information on the community life of Abu-Dhabi Armenians.
Information on the Great Ararat mountain and a day-by-day log of the climb towards its summit by Vasken Knouni.
Calendar for world wide Armenian events.
Articles related to Armenia and Armenians. Includes information on the Diaspora and Karabakh.
A publication from Moscow. Offers brief reports on local and pan-Armenian events and articles.
Offers music links, web site reviews, information for travelers, forum, free e-mail accounts, news and links.
Other languages 2

Last update:
October 15, 2023 at 6:55:07 UTC

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- Recently edited by merlin1
- Recently edited by merlin1