This category is for rhymes such as ball-bouncing rhymes, jump-rope rhymes, finger and toe rhymes, dandling rhymes (to bounce children on the knee), counting-out rhymes (to determine who will be "it" in games), and nursery rhymes.
Rhyme is a basic stylistic device of verbal folklore, found in such genres as folk poetry, rhyming proverbs and riddles, games, and tales.
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Sites 3
An overview of rhythmic and/or rhyming schoolyard folklore.
Describing Chinese children's nursery rhymes, games, toys, and tales, by Isaac Taylor Headland (1901).
Large collection of folk rhymes that American children chant while skipping rope and playing patty-cake.
Describing Chinese children's nursery rhymes, games, toys, and tales, by Isaac Taylor Headland (1901).
Large collection of folk rhymes that American children chant while skipping rope and playing patty-cake.
An overview of rhythmic and/or rhyming schoolyard folklore.
Last update:
January 15, 2022 at 6:15:21 UTC
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