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Society Government Multilateral Regional Economic Community of West African States
The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is a regional group founded in 1975 when sixteen West African countries signed the Treaty of Lagos (Mauritania has since withdrawn). Its mission is to promote economic, monetary, and political integration in the sub-region; it has also taken on a role in regional security, with the establishment of the ECOWAS Monitoring Group (ECOMOG).
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Official site of the Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS), a regional group of sixteen countries, founded in 1975. Information about its political and financial institutions, specialised agencies, news and events. [English and French]
Provides news and information about the various commissions and their events and leadership. [English, French, Portuguese]
One of the institutions of ECOWAS; information on its role, functions and activities. [English and French]
Information about their strategies, institutions and programmes. [English and French]
A forum for dialogue, consultation and consensus for representatives of the peoples of West Africa to promote integration. Information about its structure, activities, publications, and news. [English and French]
A specialised agency of ECOWAS which works for the health of people in the region by harmonising national policies, pooling resources, and facilitating cooperation; information about the organisation and its programmes. [English, French and Portuguese]
Autonomous agency of ECOWAS to promote market determined exchange rates for West Africa intra-regional trade, monetary and economic integration, and the establishment of a single monetary zone.
Hyperlinked encyclopedia article describes the history, development and role of ECOWAS. Includes details of member countries and a statistical comparison with other blocs.
Official site of the Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS), a regional group of sixteen countries, founded in 1975. Information about its political and financial institutions, specialised agencies, news and events. [English and French]
One of the institutions of ECOWAS; information on its role, functions and activities. [English and French]
A specialised agency of ECOWAS which works for the health of people in the region by harmonising national policies, pooling resources, and facilitating cooperation; information about the organisation and its programmes. [English, French and Portuguese]
Autonomous agency of ECOWAS to promote market determined exchange rates for West Africa intra-regional trade, monetary and economic integration, and the establishment of a single monetary zone.
A forum for dialogue, consultation and consensus for representatives of the peoples of West Africa to promote integration. Information about its structure, activities, publications, and news. [English and French]
Provides news and information about the various commissions and their events and leadership. [English, French, Portuguese]
Information about their strategies, institutions and programmes. [English and French]
Hyperlinked encyclopedia article describes the history, development and role of ECOWAS. Includes details of member countries and a statistical comparison with other blocs.

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June 18, 2022 at 6:35:01 UTC
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